Chapter 571: Council's Attack: Leaving the Planet Orina

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Souta took the bracelet and the boots before he used his gravity ability to push the debris of rocks away from him.


The whole place was crumbling and he was ten thousand meters beneath the surface. He hurriedly flew towards the entrance while smashing the walls that blocked his way.

Since the mechanism had stopped, he could shatter the walls right now with his sheer strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Using a string of flesh, he took out a transmission talisman. He then called Alice.

“Alice, we are going to leave this planet. Tell the others to escape and go back to the Guardian Fortress as soon as possible. I’ll call Torkez to prepare the transportational gate right away.”

“Got it.” Alice nodded from the other side of the talisman.

Souta cut the call and he proceeded to call Torkez. He told him to prepare the transportational gate as he know that the people from the fortress were fighting the forces of the council for several days nonstop. The fortress even launched several Mana Convergent Bomb just to hold their position.


He exited the volcano only to witness the collapsing area around him. The ground was shaking nonstop as lava would burst out in huge cracks.

The land within one hundred kilometers was experiencing a powerful earthquake. It wasn’t an ordinary earthquake instead the earthquake caused the land to sink into the sea of lava.

Souta turned his head towards the floating islands in his vision. He made a grabbing motion in the air and the gravity around him tightened.

“Since I’m here, I’m going to destroy some of their facilities.”


The floating islands started to move slowly. The size of each floating island wasn’t normal so the amount of best feram that he was using to move these islands was enormous. His energy was depleting at unbelievable speed.

“Argh! Settle down!!”


The islands collided with each other and Souta quickly removed his ability. Just by moving those islands, he consumed a quarter of his energy already. As expected, the energy in the atmosphere was the cause of it. The mana density was making it hard for him to use his energy. He was like a normal human deep in the sea that couldn’t move with his usual speed.

“But this is enough…”

Souta looked up and his body shot through the sky. His figure penetrated through the layers of cloud that were covering the entire planet.

He could already see some of the forces of the council noticed the fluctuations of his best feram. They were preparing to head in his direction.

‘I guess the battle will occur there.’

His body exited the layers of clouds. Along with him, several figures emerged from the clouds in the far distance. Those figures were several kilometers away from him and he could see that they were after Alice and the rest.

The forces of the council were chasing them.

They could defeat them as the forces of the council that were chasing them only had low-rank soldiers, but there’s no need to fight them. The most important thing right now was to arrive in the Guardian Fortress.

Souta knew the details of the Guardian Fortress. They don’t need to enter the fortress. They just need to arrive on the range of the transportational gate and Torkez would activate it immediately.

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