Chapter 16

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The young girl stayed in the hospital overnight and Taylor sat by her the whole time. They did repeat bloods early in the morning which showed a slight improvement. The doctor came into the room and agreed to discharge Jessica home that day but they wanted the dietician to review Jessica's meal plan before she left to ensure she remained healthy upon discharge. The dietician came in and had a conversation with Taylor then left to speak to the doctor about a plan moving forward.

After about 20 minutes or so Jessica was becoming restless – ready to get home.

The dietician came back in to the room holding a bag containing supplements, "I think we need to acklowedge that your BMI has dropped again and following on from this episode with your blood tests I think it would be wise to add supplement drinks into your diet. When you are not eating your whole meals or snacks a supplement can be used as an alternative – it will keep you medically stable"

Jessica stared with repulsion evident "and what if I don't agree to drink them? What if I just say no? Nobody can force them into me". Taylor's eyes widened with the girls outburst but before she could respond the dietician countered back "then your weight will continue to decline. At that point we will be forced to intervene – with or without your guardians consent – we will admit you to the inpatient unit. We will give you IV glucose and if you continue to refuse food we will give you a nasogastric tube – which will go up your nose, down your throat and into your stomach so we can get nutrients directly into you." The dietician and the young girl were staring at each other now, both waiting to see how the other reacted. Taylor took the bag and thanked the dietician, ushering her out the room in an attempt to diffuse the situation, she knew that the teen needed to hear it but it was still a harsh reality for her to understand.

Around an hour later they were allowed home and Taylor drove them both home in silence, the fatigue kicking in for both of them.

They arrived home at lunchtime, Taylor quickly prepared some soup for them both and Jessica managed only about one third before giving up.

Taylor slid a supplement towards the young girl, prompting her to drink it and meet her meal plan. Jessica sniffed it then pushed it away again "There is no way I am drinking that!" Taylor grimaced, knowing how vile they were but she coaxed the girl into it again "a few mouthfuls and it'll be gone, I'll get you some water to drink straight after." When the teen made no effort to drink the supplement Taylor lifted it up for her "it's better to have this now, than be admitted and have a tube up your nose to feed you, right?" Jessica grimaced and gulped down the drink, tears spilling down her cheeks as soon as she finished. Taylor lent over and kissed her forehead, whispering how proud she was. As they moved to the living room Taylor put Jessica's favourite show on as a way to distract her, watching her sadly as she battled the demons in her head. After around 20 minutes Taylor watched as Jessica started to shift uncomfortably, her hands clutched her stomach and she started to swallow deeply. Taylor rubbed her head, attempting to comfort her but the young girl sat bolt upright, the panic evident across her face "Tay, I'm gonna be sick", she attempted to push her way off the sofa but Taylor held her gently, preventing her from standing up "No you're not, you're ok. Just breathe. It'll go away soon I promise". She pulled the young girl in close and began to rock her gently, she could feel how stiff the young girl was – like a tightly coiled spring ready to jump and run at any second, Taylor patted her back rhythmically as she whispered "it's ok. I know it doesn't feel good. I know your stomach hurts right now, but it's not used to having this food. It just has to adapt. It'll get easier. You're being so brave buddy. I'm so proud of you" After another half an hour of so of tears, hugs and reassurance Jessica finally relaxed down and Taylor felt the young girls body slump as she fell asleep.

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