Vape part 2

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Jessica sat on her bed, frustrated about missing the party that night – she had been looking forward to it for the last couple of weeks.

Taylor said it was OK to make mistakes but then punished her when she did.

She knew vaping wasn't a 'sensible' thing to do – but she really didn't see what the big deal was.

She didn't even have her phone to message her friends – Taylor had taken it away.

She was sitting reading a book – or pretending to – while silently seething.

She went downstairs, telling Taylor that she had a headache and was going to go to sleep. She grabbed a glass of water and hid away in her room again. When after half an hour she hadn't heard from the blonde she jumped up from the bed – putting on the outfit she had chosen for the party.

She tiptoed downstairs, past the music room where she could hear Taylor playing and ran for the front door.

The house party was only a 10 minute walk so she made it there quickly. All her friends were surprised when she turned up but she was quickly welcomed in.

A few of them were having some drinks but Jessica said she was only staying for a few hours – aiming to be home by 10.30 and she didn't want to risk being caught hungover tomorrow.

When a cigarette was passed round she was about to decline but then changed her mind and tried it for the first time. She didn't like the taste and didn't understand why people would want to smoke. For the next couple of hours she had real fun – dancing, singing and laughing with her friends as they celebrated the end of school for the summer. As more drinks were passed round she decided to just have a few sips of each – what harm could it do?

Back at home, Taylor had finished up her song and decided to head up to bed. She checked in on the teen and saw a lump in the bed – she decided not to disturb her – realising that she had the covers over her head so probably wasn't feeling well at all. She headed to her own bedroom before pulling out her phone and scrolling through social media.

She followed a few of Jessica's friends on social media – something she had done a few months ago when Jessica started hanging out with a crowd of girls – she absentmindedly clicked on their stories, seeing how the party was going. She knew that if it had been a roaring success then Jessica would be sulking even more tomorrow.

She was astounded when Jessica's face was in one of the photos – her heart started racing even harder when she saw a video of Jessica taking a sip of drink while dancing badly.

She jumped out of bed – running to the teen's bedroom as if she couldn't actually believe she wasn't in there – as she pulled the covers off the lump all she was greeted with was pillows and rolled up clothes. Taylor fumed that the oldest trick in the book had fooled her – she headed back to her own bedroom and threw on comfortable clothes. She knew exactly where the party was because she had promised to pick Jessica up afterwards when the teen had been allowed to go. She jumped in her car – grabbing only her phone and car keys before speeding round to the party.

When she got there she took a deep breath – the adrenaline running had meant she hadn't actually thought about what she would say or do when she got here.

She decided that even though there may be some shocked kids when THE Taylor Swift walked in, she had no other choice – she was determined to get Jessica out of there as soon as possible.

She undid her car door – stomping towards the house before knocking on the door – when nobody answered she undid the door – walking in timidly. The music was blaring and there was probably 100 kids roaming around.

You drew stars around my scarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon