Sneaking Out

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Jessica was relaxing on her bed, desperately trying to figure out a way to get away with not eating lunch. Taylor had come upstairs 5 minutes ago telling her she was going to start prepping lunch and would call the teen down as soon as it was done. Immediately the panic had kicked in.

Taylor had increased her meal plan again and the teen was struggling with the amount of calories – she was convinced she could feel herself gaining weight after every meal.

Taylor had increased the amount of time she was monitored after eating to an hour too after she found Jessica doing sit ups in her bedroom.

Jessica was feeling caged in at home. Taylor was refusing her requests to go out for long walks, insisting they couldn't exercise for more than 15 minutes.

The desperation increased as lunch time ticked closer. Suddenly Jessica knew she needed to get out of the house – she couldn't stay there and be force fed another fatty meal. She thought she could slip away for lunch and return later, having to eat dinner wouldn't be so bad if she could skip lunch and also fit in a long walk this afternoon.

She quickly slipped her socks and shoes on and slipped her cosy cardigan over her leggings and t shirt. She still didn't have her phone back so she didn't have to worry about grabbing anything else – the tricky bit was sneaking past Taylor.

Luckily as she crept downstairs she realised Taylor had music playing in the kitchen while she cooked. The teen tiptoed to the front door and opened it slowly, making sure there was no sign of the blonde. When she knew she was in the clear she left the house, closing the door quietly behind her.

She decided to head towards the large park which was fairly close by, thinking she would be able to do a couple of laps of this before heading back. She also knew it wasn't somewhere she had been with Taylor so the blonde wouldn't know to look for her here. Her heart was racing as she got further away from home – the reality of what she had done was kicking in.

At home she hadn't thought of the panic Taylor would feel but she was quickly realising that any minute she would go up to the teen's bedroom and realise she wasn't there – they rarely spent any time apart so Taylor would freak out. Jessica had never done anything like this before – never wanted or needed to but she knew it was too late to head back. Taylor would just make her eat a bigger lunch and watch her like a hawk – they'd have to discuss it all in therapy. Jessica didn't want to talk about it – just wanted to exercise and quieten the thoughts in her head. She was only about 15 minutes away from the park now so she picked up her speed, hoping to forget about the rising panic.

Back at the house Taylor called the teen down for lunch, then when she didn't hear any movement she jogged up the stairs, knocking gently before pushing open the door "Jessica-" she looked around the room, confusion all over her face when the teen wasn't laying on the bed where she was less than 15 minutes ago. She walked into the bedroom fully, looking around and calling out her name slightly louder. When she realised the teen wasn't in there she headed to the bathroom, panic set in when she realised that Jessica wasn't in there either. She quickly ran back downstairs, checking the entire house and shouting her name – terror taking over. She pulled out her phone, ready to call the girl but then quickly remembered she didn't have her phone – she internally berated herself for taking it off the teen and not having a back up plan for emergencies like this. She clicked to her security cameras and saw the teen leaving the house 18 minutes ago. She groaned internally, unsure what had caused this rebellion in the teen. Jessica hadn't even asked to go out – hadn't indicated there was anywhere she needed to be.

Taylor quickly pulled on her own shoes and jacket, and dialled her Mum. After a few rings Andrea picked up "Hi Darling"

Taylor quickly cut her off "Mum – Jessica is missing!" her tone was frantic and Andrea took a second to understand what she was saying but then her own panic kicked in "missing? What do you mean she's missing?"

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