Old habits die screaming - part 3 (final)

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The dinner table was tense. Jessica started off eating well but she could sense Taylor was doing everything to delay actually eating and the anxiety combined with her own guilt meant she quickly lost her appetite. She began to push the rice around the plate, not wanting to actually have to take another bite. Tree was watching the pair of them, quickly realising what a dangerous combination this could be, she decided to tackle the teen first "Jessica, you need to finish that honey", Jessica looked up, anxiety on her face "I'm really not very hungry"

Taylor squeezed her hand softly "I know it's hard – but it's really important that you keep eating. I need you to try and take a few more bites for me." Jessica frowned, frustration evident "You're not eating though! How can you say I have to when you're sitting there picking at your food – it's not fair!" Taylor was shocked by the outburst – she opened her mouth to speak but the lump in her throat stopped her, she closed her mouth again – desperately looking at Tree for help.

Tree shook her head "she is going to eat that all, I can promise you that – and you need to eat everything that's on your plate. It's important we stick to your plan. You need to keep going" Jessica picked up her fork, forcing another few bites of food down – glancing at Taylor periodically to see if she was eating. Tree noticed too and glared at the blonde until she ate a few more bites, she had finished all the vegetables and was slowly eating the salmon. Finally Jessica had finished and Tree took her plate over to the dishwasher, "Jessica can you go into the living room for a little while?" The teen looked between her and Taylor – torn on what to do. Eventually she nodded, walking away slowly. Tree turned back to Taylor – ready to scold her, to tell her she needed to set a good example but before she could say a word Taylor spoke first, "I can't do meals with her, I'm telling her to nourish her body and to give in and trust everyone around her meanwhile I'm sitting there wanting to die with every bite I take. I cannot be her example right now. I will eat, but not with her".

Tree took the information in – she gave one single nod "Ok. She can eat breakfast before school in the mornings – you can eat when you get home from dropping her off, she is at school for lunch anyway and then dinners we can either stagger or double team. I'll eat with you – your Mum can have Jessica"

Taylor sighed, tears welling up in her eyes "I want to take care of her"

Tree nodded, rubbing Taylor's shoulder kindly "You will, you just need to get well first" Taylor nodded, chewing her lip anxiously and picking up her glass of water, taking a long, shaky sip to calm herself and stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

Tree sat back down, sighing as she looked at the frail woman in front of her "Taylor honey, you have to eat"

Taylor looked back down at the food "I'm trying"

Tree shook her head "no you're not – you have barely touched it. I mean it – you have to eat. Like, right now."

Taylor looked back down at her plate, then towards the living room where Jessica was now curled up watching TV, she took a deep breath and picked up the fork again – chewing another bite of salmon until she had no choice but to swallow it.

Over the next 40 minutes she forced down most of the food – leaving only a tiny bit of fish and rice left. She physically couldn't eat anymore and Tree took mercy on her, allowing her to leave the small scraps. They all went to the living room, sitting together for the next 30 minutes before Tree left to go home. Jessica turned to look at Taylor properly "this is really scary – are you going to end up in the hospital?"

Taylor's face couldn't hide the shock "no baby. I told you! I'm fine" Jessica didn't seem convinced but dropped the questioning, snuggling into Taylor's side while they watched the latest trashy TV.

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