Chapter 35

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Taylor went about redecorating Jessica's room over the next week, she got her a new bed and mattress, new bedding and blankets. A comfy chair, decorations. She wanted the teen to have a safe space that was 'hers'. She spoke to Jessica everyday and the teen had no anxiety about coming home – she was just excited. Taylor planned to get the teen some new clothes but decided to wait for them to be able to shop together – to give Jessica the opportunity to pick exactly what she liked.

Taylor's nerves grew slightly as the week went on – she was unsure what would happen if Jessica didn't gain the weight. Andrea and Tree could tell the blonde was stressing as she wasn't answering any calls or texts. They decided to drop in and check on her.

Taylor was cleaning Jessica's room for the 10th time that week making sure it was perfect when the doorbell went. She ran down the stairs and pulled the door open, surprised to see the two women stood there. She groaned internally, as nice as it was to see them she needed more time to get everything organised.

The three of them walked to the kitchen and Taylor began made coffee for them all, Andrea ordered her to sit down while she made it. Tree stared at Taylor "you look tired, are you not sleeping?" Taylor shrugged "I am, I've just been up late writing and up early cleaning. I just want everything to be perfect. I've been painting her room over the last 2 days – it is perfect now." Tree smiled "I am sure it's amazing. How are you feeling about having her home?" Taylor smiled "I'm excited, but I want to make sure I get it right. I don't want her to think she can get away with things now she's home – but I also don't want it to feel like a prison." Tree nodded "boundaries and expectations. She knows she has to eat, don't get into discussions about it but give her choices about other things. Where shall we go shopping? What do you want to do today? Food is non-negotiable but she can have an input in other areas. You're going to give her a great life Taylor, you don't have to be nervous about that." The blonde crinkled her nose at the redhead "thanks".

The three of them chatted away while sipping their coffee, discussing Tree's upcoming holiday and throwing out ideas for a getaway for Taylor and Jessica. Taylor could feel the caffeine hitting her, she got heart palpitations and realised she hadn't eaten since yesterday lunchtime – she had been too busy painting the room then her body was sore so she fell into bed.

Tree noticed the expression on Taylor's face first "what's wrong?" Andrea and Tree both turned to face Taylor "No nothing, I just need some water". She pushed the chair back and stood up but as she tried to walk she felt her vision go black and her body went slack, landing on the floor with a loud thump. Both Tree and Andrea rushed over to the blonde, Andrea flipped her onto her side as Tree pulled out her phone, ready to call for help if needed. Within a second or two Taylor's eyes fluttered open and she tried to sit up, Andrea reached out and held her hand while Tree pushed her gently back down "No, lay down for a second and catch your breath. What happened?"

Taylor groaned, knowing she was about to get a lecture "I haven't eaten this morning yet, the coffee hit me and I just went dizzy. I'm ok though." She sat up, aided by both the women on either side. Andrea's eyes surveyed her from top to bottom "Do you feel ok?" Taylor nodded "yeah, let me get up and to the sofa". The three of them helped her to stand, pausing for a second before letting her walk. Andrea started to guide her to the sofa but knew she wasn't going to make it and plopped her down on a chair in the kitchen instead. Tree handed her a glass of ice cold water, they both watched as the blonde's hands were shaking as she lifted it to her lips and took a long sip of water, she smiled at them both – attempting to ease the anxiety that was obvious "I'm ok – just went dizzy. I'm fine now." Andrea smoothed her hair down before standing up, ready to make the blonde something to eat.

Tree sat down next to her, her eyes like daggers straight at Taylor "When did you last eat?" taylor grimaced slightly "lunchtime yesterday – it wasn't intentional – I just forgot".

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