Old habits die screaming part 2

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Later that night, Andrea had cooked dinner and all 4 of them were sitting round the table. The atmosphere was tense and Jessica glanced between all the women before anxiously asking "has something happened? It all feels very weird right now..."

All 3 women, looked between each other – they had been expecting this question but suddenly it seemed too difficult to answer. Finally Taylor nodded, clearing her throat slightly "Yeah buddy. Mum and Tree are here to help. I've fallen back into some bad habits so they're going to help me – they're going to help us both."

Jessica frowned "bad habits? What do you mean?"

Taylor's eyes filled with tears and she tried to blink them away quickly "I haven't been eating as much as I should – I've been super busy. But the thoughts have just got a little loud again – they're here to get me back on track. I need to keep us both healthy and right now I just need a little support"

Jessica understood immediately "I noticed you'd been avoiding food, I just didn't know it was so difficult for you. Is it.....is it because of me? Did I trigger you?"

Immediately Taylor shook her head, reaching out and squeezing her hand "Oh baby no – no way. Food has always been the first thing to go for me when I'm stressed. I just needed a bit of help to see it" this time Taylor glared at the two women before continuing "I've not relapsed or anything – just a little off track. But we are going to be fine. Nothing is your fault. I just need you to carry on trying your hardest, ok?"

Jessica nodded, smiling sadly at Taylor. She finished off her dinner and sat nervously while Taylor was eating slowly, she watched as Andrea and Tree exchanged nervous glances then gently nudged Taylor to continue. Taylor glanced up "Mum, can you take her into the living room?"

Jessica shook her head "it's ok - I don't mind waiting"

Taylor smiled softly at her "no - you go and relax. I won't be long!"

Jessica pouted slightly "but I want to stay with you!"

Sensing the teens anxiety raising Andrea stood up "come on, Taylor just needs a minute. We will go and pick a TV show. Tay?" When the younger blonde looked up at her, Andrea continued "you need to finish that in the next 15 minutes" Taylor nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.

As soon as they'd left, Taylor turned to Tree "how much more do I have to eat?"

Tree sighed "you've barely touched it"

Taylor pushed the food around with her fork, sneering slightly "but it's cold and gross, I'm full up"

Tree shrugged "it's cold because you've been pushing it around for 30 minutes now. You're not full up, you can't be. You just don't want to eat. Jessica is waiting for you, you don't get to leave until you've finished at least half of that so I suggest you hurry up."

Taylor nodded, feeling smug she had managed to get it down to half in a short conversation. She chocked down the food and they quickly got up to join Andrea and Taylor, the teen was anxiously waiting for them and looked visibly relieved when she saw Taylor was ok. The pair of them sat down together, snuggling up and soon Jessica fell asleep. When Taylor realised she had dozed off she turned to the two women "I will eat. I will get back on track. But this isn't sustainable, you can't be with me every meal. So I need to do it alone. I can do this by myself, ok?"

The two older women shared a look, an unspoken conversation between them before Andrea spoke up "you're right, we can't both be here every meal. But we have talked about it. I am going to come for breakfast every day then I can help with Jessica and take her to school. Tree is going to be here for lunches with you. We will alternate dinners. Right now you can't be trusted to be alone. It's not safe to leave you and Jessica to it right now"

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