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Jessica woke up feeling hot and sweaty, she rolled over and groaned as she realised it wasn't even 5am yet. She tried to go back to sleep but it was no use, instead she got up and moved to the sofa, wrapping herself up in the blanket which was draped on the sofa. She sat there, feeling miserable and tired but unable to sleep. Tears began to stream down her face as she wallowed in self pity. She pulled out her phone, scrolling Instagram aimlessly – she was crying at everyone's reels, feeling like she was missing out on life. As 7am rolled around she began to feel her eyes droop and before she knew it she had fallen asleep. Taylor woke up at 7.30, got showered and dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast started for them both, she was shocked to find the girl on the sofa instead of tucked up in bed.

As Taylor made herself a coffee the teen padded into the kitchen and approached the blonde for a sleepy hug. As Taylor pulled her in tight she whispered "you're up early – couldn't sleep?" Jessica shook her head "No I woke up feeling gross and couldn't settle. I got up about 5 and fell asleep about half an hour ago" Taylor frowned "You should have come and woken me up". Jessica rolled her eyes, irritation rising up as she half shouted "There was no point in waking you up – there's nothing you could do!". Taylor's eyes widened at the sudden outburst, she held her hands up defensively "Ok! Just didn't want you sitting alone" Jessica snorted "I'm not a baby – I can take care of myself". Taylor didn't want to cause an argument so nodded and walked away to prep breakfast "Don't forget Tree will be here any minute, I have those video interviews this morning." Jessica nodded and plopped herself down, resting her head on her hands "I'm so tired". At that moment the doorbell went, Taylor went to answer it – greeting her publicist warmly "Good Morning!" Tree smiled back at her "Morning, how is everything?" Taylor nodded "Yep, all good – I'm pretty much ready for today, heads up though – Jessica didn't sleep and she is very grumpy today". Tree nodded, smiling lightly "I'll be extra kind then!" Taylor led her back to the kitchen where she greeted Jessica warmly. As Taylor passed Tree a coffee Jessica grimaced slightly "Can I have some medicine? My stomach hurts". Taylor turned round and looked at the teen, she did look a bit pale but didn't seem unwell. Tree was sat right next to her so reached out, touching her forehead to feel her temperature "She's not hot.." Jessica sighed "I don't have a temperature – I just don't feel well. My head hurts too" Taylor nodded and quickly passed the girl some pills to take while she finished off making their mushroom and tomato filled breakfast egg wraps. After a couple of minutes she handed the teen her plate. Jessica sighed loudly "I feel sick..." Taylor narrowed her eyes at her "You still have to eat" Jessica begrudgingly picked up her fork and poked at the food, she ate about a quarter before dropping it back down again "I don't want anymore – it tastes gross" Tree glanced at the teen before turning to Taylor, raising her eyebrow curiously. Taylor sighed "You either finish it or have a supplement." Jessica pushed the plate away "fine – give me a supplement, I'm not eating that it's gross!" Taylor went to stand but Tree waved her down and stood to get the supplement herself out the fridge, passing it to the girl who grumbled her thanks. Jessica looked down at the supplement, then at Taylor who nodded for her to drink it. Jessica quickly drunk it all and washed it down with some water. She glared at the blonde "Happy?!". Her tone was sharp and Taylor frowned at this sullen teen in front of her "not really – not with your attitude. Go and get dressed. You can sit with Tree while I do the interviews today!" Jessica moaned as she stomped out of the kitchen to her bedroom. Taylor turned to Tree "Sorry about that – she really doesn't do well when she's tired". Tree laughed lightly "she's fine, is she due her period? Typical teen PMS behaviour there.." Taylor chewed her lip "She hasn't actually got her period back yet, but maybe you're right!" Tree nodded "She's grumpy, not sleeping, headache, nausea, mood swings – classic signs" Taylor threw her head back, groaning "Ohhhh great – it's going to be a fun week then!" Tree laughed loudly "The joys of teenage girls".

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