Chapter 116 : No Regrets

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"Maharaj Dhritarashtra, Maharani Gandhari and Yuvraj Duryodhana has entered,"

Draupadi grits her teeth. Today will be the naming ceremony of her grandsons. And the main celebration event. All relatives have come and of course they will be here as well. But Draupadi knows Dhritarashtra didn't come only to bless the child. There have been many important events he didn't attend. He came today to convince her to not declare a war. Maharani Gandhari is also eager to be with Draupadi.

"Putri, where's my Putri Draupadi?" Dhritarashtra calls.

Draupadi raises her eyebrows and Satanika snickers behind her. Too much love all in a sudden.

"Pranipath Maharaj Dhritarashtra, Maharani Gandhari. I am honored that you came on the naming ceremony of my grandsons," Draupadi greets curtly.

"Putri, come here. We haven't seen you for so long," Gandhari calls her voice dipped with sweetness.

Draupadi never felt more disgusted than before. Their falseness almost made her sick.

"My apologies, I have preparations to make. Please make yourselves comfortable. Mata Kunti will be happy to see you two," Draupadi leaves the chamber not standing in their presence at all.

Outside their chamber was another surprise waiting for her.

"Aren't you like wine? Becoming more gorgeous as time passes," Duryodhana smirks joining his hands.

"You came," Draupadi couldn't hide the displeasure seeing him.

"We are going to be in laws. Shouldn't I make myself at home?" Duryodhana says.

"I never promised you anything. Quit dreaming unnecessarily," Draupadi turns to leave.

"Maa, you are here," Sutasoma glares at Duryodhana.

Duryodhana looks at him brightly, "Aren't you Sutasoma? Bheem's son."

"Pranipath Kakashree," Sutasoma greets him.

"Kalyan ho, Putra Sutasoma. What a brave warrior you have become! I heard about your victory in Gandhar," Duryodhana praises.

Sutasoma nods in acknowledgement before turning to his mother, "Maa, Pitashree Yudhisthira is calling you. The ceremony can't begin without you."

Draupadi turns and leaves with Sutasoma following behind.

"Sakhi, why so late? We are waiting for you for so long," Krishna fakes his anger.

"I went to greet our guests," Draupadi picks up the Aarti Thali and begins her Poojan.

After she finished, she distributes the prasadam to everyone.

"What will you name your grandsons, Panchali?" Arjuna asks.

Draupadi turns to Krishna smiling, "Remember you once blessed  Prativindhya that his devotion to Dharma and his radiance will match Shree Rama?"

"And I didn't lie," Krishna grins.

"Hence I decided to name my grandsons after the sons of Rama as well. Lava and Kusha," Draupadi announces.


"ATI Uttam!"

"Rajkumar Lava,"

"Rajkumar Kusha,"

All hails and welcomes the new princes. After they come down, Krishna turns to Draupadi.

"Sakhi, won't you give gift to your daughter in law as per the rituals? What are you going to give?" Krishna says.

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