1: Annoying little Brat

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"Lyra! Come here now!" I yelled, irritatedly tapping the toe of my shoe.

"What, what do you want?"

She stalked into the room as if she owned the place. Well, news flash, I own this place. Half of it at least. It's my right and no one around here seems to act like it.

"What is this mess?" I demanded and looking at all the filth on the floor and then back at Lyra. This is disgusting, who lives like this? When I was a teenager, I never lived like this.

"Um, I'm packing. I'm going to go with dad to Fort Peck," she quipped and I glared at her. This girl has such an attitude and David never fixed it. That's what happens when you baby twenty year olds.

"Well do you have to make a damn mess just to pack a few bags?" I crossed my arms over my chest. She mirrored my glare and frustration bubbles in my chest.

"It's not a mess. But don't worry, I know where everything is and I'll be out of here tomorrow," she smirked at me, putting a hand on her hip.

"Thank god..." she muttered under her breath.

"You disrespectful, annoying little brat. Someone is going to have to teach you to have some manners," I said lowly.

"Oh I have manners, you're just not worthy of receiving them," Lyra said defiantly. I could feel my blood boil and my face redden.

"And how exactly am I not worthy in your eyes?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Well, let's see. One, you're a bitch. Two, you're trying to steal all of my fathers money but let's face it, as long as I'm around, you won't touch it. Three, I just plain resent you. Do you need more reasons? I have a list," she chuckled.

We were far past civil commentary.

"I am not trying to take your fathers money!" I gasped. Lie, but she's only a witless teenager, she doesn't know any better.

Really, David is loaded. I would love to get in on more than what I'm privy to, but he's got little miss everything and would hand his still beating heart over to this little rat.

"You're a liar," Lyra spat flatly.

"That's it! Give me your phone, your grounded!" I held my hand out to take her phone.

I had to do something about this girl or I'll never get anything I need to do done, dammit.

Lyra let out a humorless guffaw "I'm twenty years old and pay my own phone bill. You've got no right."

She continued to laugh, making me angrier by the minute. This girl was a walking entity of sass and I was close to beating it out of her.

"Wow, you're really off you're rocker now. Does dad know you're getting crazier every year?" she chuckled and quirked the corner of her lips into that annoying little smirk of hers.

"Listen here missy! I won't tolerate-" I started to hiss but she cut me off rudely.

"Listen here gold digger, my dad may think you're some kind of role model for me, but I will never in my life obey you. And I mean ever," She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Wait till I tell you're father how you treat me!"



I stared the old crone down. This chick thought she could look all mean and twisted to scare me but it just makes me laugh. I'm twenty years old and she calls me a teenager. I call her an old lady. She comes in here acting like that? Yeah, I'm not in a good mood anymore.

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