76: A lucky one

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The police scrambled in panic when Nathan busted through that window. They couldn't send anyone in because of Lyra. They couldn't call him back too loudly without alerting them. I was freaking out because she was basically dead right now.

"Get in there! He's going to kill her! He's going to kill my little girl!" I grabbed the detectives collar and shook him hard. Understand me damnit!

"Mr.Kellie, we are trying! Please, be logical!"

Bourne's radio clicked and emitted static. He shoved me away and pulled it off his belt, "What?"

"Sir, there's struggle in the building!" A man said hurriedly.

"Who's speaking?"

"S05. Position north by two degrees on the Shmatt building."

Sniper number five on the Shamatt building...two degrees north- I turned until I saw the man on top of the building across from the warehouse. He was almost hidden but not quite.

"What can you see?"

"Not too much. I can just barely see over the tree branch. But there's lots of movement and I'm picking up shouting. The blonde female target has moved in front of the window. Do I engage?" He responded quickly.

"Engage when you have the perfect shot. Do you hear me? The perfect kill shot."

"Kill shot sir?"

"That's what I said."

"Yes sir."

"What about Lyra?! My daughter!" I snapped, wringing my hands.

I've never been so distressed in my life. My mind was reeling. My daughter was about to die and they were just standing here.

"Sir, we're doing what we can!" Bourne pointed out.

"Well what a lot of damn good thats done!" I thundered, shaking my fists with emphasis. Instead of being upset, I was mad. Pure anger surged through me.

"Engaging," Beeped the radio.

We all froze when two shots echoed through the air.

'Shots fired!' 'Shots fired!' The police all mumbled. The S.W.A.T team began to move into the building as if on cue. 

We all heard the sound of shattering glass and turned. Gasps filled the air as a body fell from the fourth story window. It landed on the ground with a sickening thud and police hurried over to it.

I followed, pushing my way to the front. I didn't know whether to be relieved or horrified when I saw it was Alexandra, her limbs at odd angles. Blood was seeping from a gun shot wound on her chest. The sniper had done his job. 

I had to turn away and stumble back to the car. There was some shouting from above.

"Help! Someone help us! She's hurt!" Nathan screamed from inside and I began to panic.

"Who's hurt?!" I yelled...but I knew.

Paramedics rushed into the building. A man held me still as I tried to run after them. An officer caught me.

"Please remain here, sir," He said sternly.

I still struggled against his hold. Two, five, ten minutes may have passed, I didn't know. I heard the radio.

"KPB, we've got a young, female Caucasian. She's got an abdomen wound by deceased targets weapon. Unresponsive."

What?? What? No, I-.... I can't...

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