29: Wanna go elk hunting?

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My mental clock woke me up before the sun rose. I blinked unhappily. Sure I wanted to go hunting, but I just hated getting up early.

I found I was pined to Nathan. Our chests were touching since, in my sleep, I'd decided to throw my leg over his hip and get as close as possible. One of his arms was across my body, his hand resting on my butt.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. It was damn cold this morning. I didn't doubt it was below thirty degrees. I decided to let Nathan sleep as I changed into my hunting clothes and got everything together. Braiding my hair to the side, I put my hat on to keep my ears warm and used Nate's hunting paint to put black, dark green, and dark brown streaks on my cheeks.

As I munched on a rabbit leg from yesterday, I looked at Nathan.

He mumbled something like he did last night. Sounded like 'mine'.

I suppressed a giggle as he grumbled and groped around in the spot I used to be in. He furrowed his eyebrows and sat up sleepily when he found I was not there.

Nate looked at my spot and then looked around for me. Nice to know I was his top priority.

"Ready to go elk hunting?" I chuckled.

"Oh yeah!" He grinned as he remembered what we were doing today.

He jumped up and pulled off his pjs quickly. I turned away from him and tried to not blush. I tried to get him to not scarf down his food so quickly but he was way to eager to listen to me.

"Nathan we have to take Baine."

"Why? The elk will smell him," he whined.

"Because we don't know how long we'll be gone," I countered.

Nathan groaned and scowled at me. I didn't want to bicker this early in the morning, so instead of scowling back, I switched to what he usually did.

I stuck out my bottom lip, made my eyes go wide, and pouted, "Nate, we can't leave him."

Nathan's scowl dropped and he tried to avert his gaze. There was no way I was going to let him out of this. Baine had to come, he was never by himself for too long.

I stepped closer to Nathan and put my hands on his chest for extra emphasis, "Please?"

The corners of his mouth twitched and he furrowed his brow, "Damnit Jay."

I smiled up at him and batted my eyes, "I knew you couldn't resist."

I was caught off guard when he cupped both of my cheeks and leaned down close to me. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You're too cute for your own good Jay," he grumbled and let me go to grab his things and walk out of the cave.

He called me cute... I growled at myself and stomped out. So what? Geez I'm going soft. I would have normally smacked him for that.

Baine happily trotted out behind me. I willed myself to try and stop blushing. Stupid guys and their deep, seductive voices and strange touch. I caught up with Nathan and we carefully crept through the very dim light.

It took us a little longer than normal to get to the meadow because of the light and our major stealth mode, but we got there. Nathan gave me a leg up on the tree we'd claimed as our stand and we climbed up to our spots.

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