52: Spring Cleaning

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I woke up with sunlight streaming directly into my face. I squinted and leaned over to pull the cord for the thick curtains. It whizzed shut and put my room into semi darkness.

I smiled and burrowed back into the warm sheets.

Hold up.

My room? Curtains? Oh my god, we made it to the cabin. This isn't my house but it's the cabin! I grinned to myself, we made it. Now we had an almost guaranteed rescue. We were going to rescue ourselves. I rolled over and reached out for Lyra, wanting to bring her body close to my own. I frowned when I felt empty space. Opening my eyes, I searched for her but she wasn't in the room.

Throwing the covers off, I got up and started towards the kitchen. Surely she was up for food. The boards under my feet creaked as I stumbled around.

The kitchen was empty. My frown deepened. I almost went towards the living room but stopped when I passed a window. Lyra sat on the porch railing, staring out at the river. Baine sat on the porch at her feet.

I smiled and started looking for what I found last night. Pulling two packets out of the cabinet, I got out two mugs and set them on the counter. I heated up water in them and dumped the packets in, stirring them with a spoon.

Grabbing the warm mugs, I bumped the door open. Lyra turned to look over her shoulder, smiling when she saw me. I held up a mug and she turned to take it.

"What is it?"

"Hot cocoa," I grinned.

Her smile was brighter than the sun, "You found hot cocoa?!"

"Well yeah, how do you think I survive winter here?" I sat on the railing and leaned against the support pole so I was facing her.

She took a sip an moaned at the taste, "This is delicious, gosh I've missed it."

I chuckled and took a drink of mine. We sat for a moment, just looking around and listening to the river run.

"So what are you doing out here?" I asked.

Lyra looked at me, brushing her tangled hair out of her face, "I dunno. I just got up and came out here."

I shrugged, "I'm so glad it's warmer now."

Lyra balanced on the pole and drew her knees up to her chest, sipping her hot chocolate.

"I can't wait to get home," She said quietly.

"As soon as we get to TimberLine, we can see if there's any bush planes-"

Lyra nearly fell off the beam, "No!"

I was slightly startled and reached out to steady her, "What?"

"I-I mean no more flying...I don't think I can do that..." She said quietly, looking into her mug. She turned and let her legs hang over the railing, returning her stare to the forest.

I stepped down and set my nearly empty cup aside. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I set my chin on her shoulder, "Why? It's the fastest way home."

I felt her take a shaky breath, "I don't think it's possible to survive two plan crashes."

I highly doubted that either of us would be in another plane crash, but I knew she had a rational reason to be afraid.

"Okay.....so road trip?" I asked.

She was quiet before confirming, in a much happier tone, " Road trip."

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