21: Missing my hunting partner

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Lyra fought with me for a bit, grumbling about how the ginger water smelled weird but when I told her it would make her quit throwing up, she gulped it down. It was dark outside, and a chill seeped into the cave.

Lyra laid back against the wall and napped for a few hours. I looked up from my leftover rabbit meat when she grunted and sat up wobbly.

"Need anything?"

"Cold," she grumbled and pulled the deer blanket around her shoulders.

Maybe her fever was going down. I threw what was left of my dinner to Baine and went over to her. Touching her forehead, it felt a lot less hot than it did last time and she wasn't sweating. I smiled in relief but it faltered when she coughed. It sounded bad.

"Think you can eat anything?" I asked, tossing wood into the fire to heat up.

"Not now," she yawned.

"Okay," was all I said, not wanting to make her feel any worse.

I raised an eyebrow as she laughed to herself for a second.


"I dunno... Youuuu," she mused sleepily.

I chuckled, she's still a little loopy, "What about me?"

"Such a cocky jerk. Not now though. So nice. Cute, yeah. Real cute. Yeah, you took care of me. Thats so nice of you because I'm such a bitch," she mumbled and tried to focus on me.

"Well you're welcome. And you're not a bitch. I can't just sit here and let you be sick," I chuckled and poked the fire. I wondered if this is how she was drunk .

"Dawwww, you carreeee 'bout me," she said in a sing song voice, making herself cough harshly.

"Yeah, yeah," I grinned at her.

"Whatsat thingie back in fourth grade? The song? Nathan and Lyra sitting in a tree, k-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She laughed and didn't realize she was making fun of herself as well. Is it possible to get intoxicated off of flowers and a root? I'm starting to believe so. Maybe it's her fever, I've seen people go loopy on a high temperature. But it's never good and it worried me further.

"Right," I rolled my eyes.

"You want to hugggg me, you want to kiss me, you want to lovvveeee me." she yawned, giggling to herself raggedly.

"Sure I do," I snorted but smiled at her.

She coughed again and started to nestle down into the blankets.

"Hey Nathan?"


"I'm glad I saved you," she said quietly, dozing already.

"I'm glad you saved me too," I said matter of factly.

"Cause I don't want you to die. And that plane totally exploded and you could've been in there, but I got you out . Yes yes, Lyra the...hero.." She trailed off.

"And why wouldn't you want me to die?" I chuckled in amusement, I thought I was a cocky jerk.

"Because I like you," she rolled over and faced me.

"Oh really?" I grinned, oh this is so blackmail.

"Yeah. I like you a lot. I'm not lonely anymore. Or sacred. I was out here for a long time you know, all by myself. Maybe I care about you too."

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