11: If I wasnt here, you'd be dead

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Hours before.

"Well Paul, it's my annual hunting trip again. Will ya fly me down to my airstrip by the cabin?"

"Yeah man. I'll see you in thirty minutes."

"Aight," I said and hung up, setting my phone on my counter.

"Dad I'm off," I called into the living room.

"Alright son. Be careful. I wish you didn't go for so long, the ranch needs you ya know."

I rolled my eyes. It was the same speech all the time. My three month long hunting trip every year was my escape from the ranching life.

"The ranch will live. You've got Bow with you," I said, mentioning my dads new farmhand.

"I'll see you when you get back," he said.

"Yup," I muttered.

"Sweetie!" my mother called.

"What Ma?" I groaned.

"Take this coat, I don't like you hunting in the winter up there," she turned into the kitchen with my big winter coat.

I stuffed it into my bag to keep her happy. Don't mess with my mother, bad things will happen.

"And Nathan hon?" she said in a less friendly tone.

"What?" What'd I do?

"Alana called. Again. She thinks your not answering her on purpose," she said disdainfully. Why can't a fling just stay a fling?

I am ignoring her. That girl just doesn't get it, "I, uh, changed my number."

"Get rid of her. She is a, pardon me boys, slut."

Needless to say, my mother wasn't very happy with my latest.....conquest. I was drunk to be honest. Now she won't leave me alone.

I stopped by here to say goodbye.

"I gotta go now. Love you Ma," I kissed her cheek.

"Bye dad, love you," I waved and opened the door.

"Bye son. Bring back some trophies," he grinned at me.

"Bye bye hon," my mother hugged me tightly. She then turned to some of the farmhands, Neal and Joe, who were drinking tea.

"Y'all git your butts outside, I gotta cook dinner," she shooed them and tied an apron around her waist, still muttering things about Alana.

"You're leaving already?" Jake asked.

I turned to my big brother ,"Yeah, you know I like to get there before it snows."

"I don't understand boys and hunting, y'all are crazy," Maggie chuckled from Jakes side.

My brother smiled at his wife and wrapped a protective arm around her waist, pulling her to his side. They smiled at each other as he pecked her forehead.

"Mags hon, you don't need to understand us," Jake grinned down at her with all the love a man could ever give, which I didn't quite understand. It was a little to sweet for me to watch. 

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