5: They'll be back right?

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When I got to the research station, David was in a frenzy.

"Dammit! Send more!" he yelled as I walked through the door.

"Sir, we're doing our best," A guy I assume the chief is, barked.

"Well do better! My daughter is out there!" David yelled.

"Aww shhh honey-dew, we'll find her," I purred and put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking up at me as if he was confused. What kind of stepmother would let a search for her stepdaughter go on without her?

"I- um er- I came to help," I said, picking my words carefully.

"As have I. I brought a team as well," We turned to see Richard strut in with a few of his men.

"Um, thanks Richard," David said, unsure how to react around my brother.

"Perfect, more volunteers. If you want you can take the next helicopter out of here to scan the edge of the mountains with pilot George," The chief said.

"Send your pilot with the men who need him. I have my own certified pilot," Richard smirked.

"Certified?" The Chief asked and one of the men stepped forward with some papers. The chief read them over and nodded.

"I'll go with you," David said, standing up to go with us. Richard hurriedly looked at me, signaling that he didn't want David to tag along.

"Ah, nonsense, stay here and watch over things. We've got this," I said, if I had the chance to talk things over with my idiot brother, it would be now.

"Your going?" He asked me dubiously.

"Of course," I smiled as sweetly as possible to him.

He hesitated and looked at Richard, who gave him a reassuring smirk that was not so reassuring.

"Alright," he said finally, his shoulders sagging.

"You guys can use helicopter seventeen, if you see anything or any sign of them, radio in," The Chief said.

We nodded and I followed the men out of a door and onto a landing edge. There were different aircrafts around us an hangers too but only a few helicopters were out.

We climbed into the small space, put on some weird headgear that smashed my poor hair and took off. I strained to hear over the whirr of the blades.

I scooted away from the door as we climbed higher and higher into the air. I wasn't necessarily scared of heights but they did give me the heebyjeebes.   

"Afraid of heights sis?" Richards mocking voice said through my head thing.

"No," I growled hatefully, shifting in my seat.

"Aw c'mon Alex, I can make sure that what's happened doesn't get out to the public. I mean, I know I can get out of this, but can you? Of course, something has to persuade my men and I to keep quiet," he said, that stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"It's Alexandra and are you trying to bribe me? Telling me that if I don't pay you, then you'll squeal?" I snapped at him.

"Yup," Richard studied his shiny black shoes.

I thought for a moment, this was my money. Yet I couldn't afford to go to jail for my plans and for what I made Richard do.

"Fine. Fifty, fifty," I looked away from him.

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