80: I approve

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As it turns out, three days go by really fast. I sat up in bed and peeked out my window. It was sunny outside and looked like it was going to be a nice day.

I sighed and climbed out from under my covers, knowing that if I didn't get up now, Ally would just drag me out. Like she threatened she would. Tonight was the gala and I had held out from dress shopping for as long as I could. Now I had no choice because apparently, none of my dresses where 'fit' for a gala.

"Why are you up so early?" Nathan groaned, rubbing his eyes. I pulled my pjs off and went to my closet to find something nice to wear.

"Ally wants to go shopping remember? And it's ten o'clock," I giggled, bending carefully to pet Baine. He'd been so happy to see me when I came home. 

There had been a little argument over whether Nathan should be able to sleep in my bed. Dad was getting overly protective and I pulled the age card. I'm twenty one years old and could make my own damn decisions three years ago.

Dad still didn't like it. He apparently made the connection that Nathan and I had already slept together. In both ways. And was not very happy about it. Again, the age card was pulled.

Nathan had taken it like a man though, stood by me and took my fathers wrath like a pro. You know how dads always pull the dad speech to guys? Like 'let me show you my gun collection.'

Well instead, my dad showed him a picture of me standing by the lion I had shot when I was eighteen. I suppose that that was supposed to scare him more. Nathan assured dad that he knew what I was capable of, but that it didn't matter because there was no way he could ever hurt me.

"Ten o'clock is early," He mumbled, laying on his stomach.

I picked a turquoise sundress and white sandals. Walking back over to Nathan, I held the dress up to myself, "Does this look nice?"

He didn't crack open an eye, "You look stunning Jay."

I sighed, "You didn't even look."

"Don't have to," He chuckled.


He opened his eyes and looked at the dress, "Babe, that's fabulous."

I smiled, "Good. I think I'm going to leave the bandages off today so there's no lines underneath this."

"Let me see," He pushed the dress aside and unraveled the bandages. The wound was barely more than a puncture hole.

"Not bad," He mumbled approvingly and kissed my skin, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me towards the bed.

"Why do you gotta go?" He said, his voice muffled.

"Cause your sister will kill me if I don't," I giggled.

He sighed and got up. I put on my dress and threw my hair into a bun, slipping on my sandals before I followed Nathan to the kitchen.

Ally and dad were already up. She was eating a bowl of Trix cereal while dad was rooting through the fridge. I laughed at her for a second when she looked at me with her cheeks full of food.

She swallowed and grinned excitedly, "Woah you're already ready. I thought you may have been tired after going to bed with him."

My father looked up from behind the fridge door, making a face and my cheeks burned, "Shut up Al."

Nathan yawned at sat down in a chair, "Leave Jay alone."

Ally rolled her eyes and stuffed another spoonful into her mouth, "So where are we going shopping?"

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