64: You touch her you die

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After breakfast, Ally said that today was the last day of the county fair and that we should go. Nathan agreed. Normally, they went all week but considering the circumstances, they hadn't.

This would be my first fair. The guys couldn't believe it and said that was outrageous and now we were definitely going. They had me regale them with some of my wild stories for an hour or so until Randy said that they needed to get the bailed hay into the barn before it rained in a day or two.

Nathan wasn't too happy with leaving me but his mother and I convinced him that he should help the guys. I watched Ryan hand Nathan a cow boy hat, "Missed ya partner, now let's go."

May said we were going to the fair after lunch. A little bit later, we got a call from Jake saying that they'd just be around for dinner because Maggie wasn't feeling too well. Apparently, she was eight months pregnant, going on nine.

"C'mon, you ain't going dressed like that," Ally chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me to her old room.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked, trying to keep up with her. She let me go once we were in her room.

"Well, for one, thems comfy clothes. I have the perfect outfit for you," She giggled and opened her closet. She threw something at me and pushed me into the bathroom.

"Change into those!"

I shrugged and changed quickly. I didn't even have the time to look in the mirror before Ally was yanking me out. She squealed and clapped her hands, "Perfect!!"

I walked over to her closet door that had a full length mirror hanging on the inside. I gasped, I haven't looked like this for a long time. The white tank top she handed me stooped low, showing off the rack I usually hid. Her jean shorts were almost too short for my taste but they did enhance my long tan legs.

I chuckled and turned to Ally, "It's like you want your brother to jump me in public."

"Ew! But this will give him something awful!" Ally laughed.

"You don't think it's too plain?" I asked.

"Nope. Less is more," Ally said and dug around in the closet.

"That applies to this," I pulled at the tank top.

"Match it with these, let me do your hair and make up, then BOOM!" She threw some brown boots at my feet and danced in place. I pulled them on, almost falling over, "Why do I need makeup? Do I look that bad?"

"No! No, no, no! You don't need it. I'm just going to highlight what you have," Ally waved me off.

"Well what are you going to wear?" I asked.

"This," She pulled out a blue sequin shirt with a deep v-cut and black shorts that were shorter than mine, "With these."

She pulled out some black boots that mirrored mine. Ally pulled me over to her little vanity and spun me around so I couldn't see myself in the mirror. She grabbed a little bag and hooked up a curling iron to the wall.

My hair was already curly, was it not?

"Hold still," She commanded. I did as I was told and was surprised at how little makeup she actually put on me. There was just a few dabs of something here and there and then she was done.

She named them off, "I used mascara, just a smidge of blush, lipgloss and nude eyeshadow. Now let me do your hair- no you can't see yet!"

I huffed impatiently and sat still while she tugged on my hair. It felt like it had been forever later when she finally pulled away, "Done! Perfecto!"

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