60: Retirement

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*mentally singing* Oh I'm in severe pain, it is killing me. My insides are twisting and I really gotta pee!

Ah yes, my period anthem.

"Where's my bag?" I groaned, twisting around in the seat to look for my bag in the back. Baine looked at me before putting his head back out the window.

"You tossed it back there, why?" Nathan asked.

"I want Ibuprofen," I whined and dug around.

"You just took some," Nathan chuckled.

"Yeah like four hours ago. You know what, I gotta pee and the next place we stop at, I'm getting something stronger because ibuprofen is useless," I growled, unwrapping a jolly rancher and popping it into my mouth.

I added the wrapper to the others in the cup holder. Nathan looked at the signs, "Can you wait another hour or so? I want to cross the line to Texas."

"Noooo, I've had to pee for at least two hours," I groaned, I've just been trying to not waste my tampon. It's only been four hours and it was good for six.

Technically, it was about twenty four hours from Montana to Texas. We were trying to drive twelve hours a day. We left around eight this morning so we had about another five hours or so with traffic.

Nathan swerved a little when a truck passed us and screeched into the tight spot between us and a semi.

"Hey asshole! Use a blinker!" Nathan flipped him off and I laughed.

"Road rage much?" I giggled.

"It's reserved to idiots like that guy," He grumbled.

"Okay, we need to take a break. Let's take the next exit and we'll take a little walk, grab something to eat and I'll go pee," I chuckled and he nodded.

Baine started barking out the window and I turned to see a pug in the passenger seat of the car beside us. The pug yipped and howled at Baine. He returned the favor. Damn wolf was going to jump out the window.

"Baine!" I snapped, his barking getting on my nerves.

He looked back at me briefly before returning to yowl at the other little dog. I reached back and grabbed his scruff, pulling him out of the window. I rolled up the window and forced him to stop barking.

"We definitely need a break." Nathan chuckled and flicked on the blinker. We got off the interstate and around to a Shell station, a Subway, a McDonald's, and Wendy's. Surprisingly, there was also a Petsmart.

I put Baine's rope around his neck when Nathan pulled up to the gas station. He hopped out to pump gas and I searched the back seat for my essentials bag. It was underneath the seat somehow.

Once I found it, I let Nathan hold Baine so I could go use the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands. Now I should be good for the rest of the trip. *happy dance*

I walked out to see Nathan walking Baine in the little slip of grass so he could do his business.

"Hey, you want a sandwich or something? And I'm getting tired of buying Baine meat, you want to just grab some dog food and be done with it?" I jerked a thumb towards the Subway and then glanced at the Petsmart.

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