33: No worries, right?

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Oh.My.God. I am never ever ever getting drunk again. Jack Daniels is a whole lot different than wine and bud light. I groaned and sat up, then wished I hadn't. My head spun and I felt dizzy to no end. Bleh, my mouth tastes like alcohol.

"I told you hangovers suck," someone chuckled.

Nathan's voice made my ears ring and felt like the sound waves made my brain bounce off my skull walls.

"Shhhhhh! Why are you talking so loud??" I hissed quietly and opened my eyes a little. The light from the fire made them hurt.

"Sorry, thought you might want some water," he whispered, crouching down in front of me and handing me a canteen.

And then I realized how thirsty I was. Like, fucking dehydrated. The water in the canteen wasn't enough but it helped. It was ice cold and felt good running down my throat.

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, "I'm never drinking again."

I could hear him laugh, "Okay Jay. I'm sorry I let you get drunk. I should've taken it away from you when you got buzzed."

I uncovered my head and blinked at him, "No, it's not your fault. You just wanted to give me a good birthday. I chose to drink all that crap."

"Did you have a good birthday though?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, that was the best thing I've ever done for my birthday. And it's never snowed on my birthday so that's even better," I chuckled and yawned.

"Awesome. I'm glad you had fun. Anyway, I'm going to go check the mink traps. I'll be back soon," he grinned.

"Okay, take Baine. He loves the snow," I muttered and rolled over to go back to sleep.

I heard him walk away an open the door.

"Nope. Never mind."

"What?" I sat up and looked.

Nathan moved out of the way to let me see. Outside looked like a whiteout. Thick, fat, snowflakes coasted down harshly and created a wall of falling white. Cold air leached into the cave and I shivered.

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere, close the door."

He quickly shut the door, shed his coat and plopped down beside me.

"We are going to be so bored," I sighed heavily.

"Why's that?" Nathan chuckled.

"We're going to be stuck in here forever," I groaned and covered my face.

"Nah, we'll get out and have more snowball fights. Keep each other from going insane," he grinned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I muttered, although, a snowball fight did sound fun. But not right now.

Baine danced around the cave restlessly. I told Nathan not to open the door again because it was so cold. Baine, the spoiled dog, whined in a high pitched voice to be let out. I covered my ears and tried to block it out. It wasn't helping my pounding head.

I growled, turning to shove my face in Nathan's chest, a muffled, "Make it stop!"

Baine whined louder.

"Hush! Dammit!" I hissed and tossed a fur at his face. He only snatched it out of the air and shook it playfully.

I tried to ignore him more by sinking into the blankets. He paced the room, weird noises coming from his throat. He turned to me and sat on his butt like he was having a temper tantrum. I raised an eyebrow and he stared at me challengingly.

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