71: Oh the irony

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"In here," The man said, shoving my shoulder roughly.

I scowled and shook him off, walking into the warehouse doors. We turned down a few hallways and went up a few flights of stairs. The burly man took me to a small room. Richard stood inside, talking to someone.

"Keep the police off our tails until David's cracked," He hung up and turned to me.

"It's a good thing you called me. She would've been half way to Texas had it not been for you. Would've ruined everything," Richard growled and opened a mini fridge.

He pulled out a beer and offered me one but I shook my head, "Where is she?"

"In the next room over," He gestured.

"Is she injured?"


I shook my head at him and walked towards the room he had pointed out. The men at the door had guns strapped to their legs and I tried to ignore them.

"I want to see her," I said quietly.

One turned and unlocked the door, pushing it open for me. I stepped inside the dim room, the only light coming from a grimy window. There was a chair in the center of the rotting wood floor. Nothing else occupied space.

I slowly walked around the side of the chair, keeping away from the peeling walls. Lyra's hands were duct taped to the arms of the chair. Her middle was tied down and so were her ankles.

She was bruised and cut up. Her head lolled over to watch me and blinked slowly. Blood caked the side of her face.

"We could've avoided this you know," I mumbled softly.

She couldn't answer because of the gag in her mouth but her eyes slowly followed my movements.

"If you would've just stayed out of it..." I said quietly, pacing in front of her.

"You wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be hurt. We wouldn't have to do this," I turned to face her. I wasn't nervous around her right now. She was tied down and non-threatening.

"But here you are."

"I know what you're thinking. You already know why, so you're thinking when will this be over. In a few days. We just need your father to crack. God. Why couldn't you just die in the forest like a normal person would?"

She obviously couldn't answer.

"See you when the ransom works out," I said to her, waking back out the door. The men closed it behind me.

I went back to the room Richard was waiting in. He sat in a chair with a cigar between his teeth. My phone began to ring and I dug it out to answer quickly.


"Lyra's been in a wreck! They found her truck at the crossroads upside down and crushed to bits! They didn't find her, they can't find her!" David cried and Richard looked up at me.

"I-" I started to say something but Richard yanked the phone out of my hand and hung up.

I gasped when he let it drop to the floor and then stepped on it, making glass and parts shoot out from under his shoe.

"They'll make the connection soon. We don't want them to visit us early."


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