26: Too damn early

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What was that? I opened my eyes in the semi darkness and tried to figure out what that noise was. I was curled up against Nathan's back, my arm hugging him to me for warmth.

Was that growling? I sat up quickly and saw Baine standing at the door, growling. The embers of the fire cast little light, but I could see nevertheless. My heart beat sped up very quickly and I woke up in no time.

"Nathan, Nathan wake up!" I whisper yelled and shook him.

"What...what? You okay?" He groaned sleepily and grabbed my hand.

"Baine.. There's something out there," I whispered and reached over to grab my pistol out of my bag. Nathan threw the blanket off and scrambled to grab his rifle.

Baine continuously growled threateningly at the door. His head was low, his tail was straight out, his fur bristling and I could see his sharp teeth bared. His growl was a very unnerving sound.

It was just barely light enough to see. I'd bet it was around five minutes to sun rise. My heart was hammering as I clutched my pistol.

"Nathan that door isn't bear proof," I whimpered fearfully, it was too early in the morning to be brave.

"I know, I know. Stay back, I'm going to go see what it is," he whispered, pushing me behind him.

"Be careful," I couldn't help saying. He nodded at me before inching closer to the door. I followed closely behind, staying hidden behind Nathan back.

He carefully opened the door. I couldn't do a thing when Baine shot out.

"Baine come back!" I hollered and dashed after him.

"Lyra wait!" Nathan hissed but I was already out.

Yips and howls seemingly came from all directions. Terrible screams of pain from either Baine or another animal rang out. His growling became harsh snarls. I frantically looked around for the source. Nathan pushed me behind him him and aimed his rifle. I gripped the back of his shirt tightly. 

A shrill, sharp squeal made me jump. Then all was silent.

"B-Baine?" I called anxiously, praying Baine would come back.

A few twigs cracked to our left and I gasped. Nathan swung the rifle and got ready to shoot.

Baine came into view, trotting up to us with his tail wagging like nothing had happened.

"Oh my god," I muttered. Blood covered his muzzle and front.

Whatever had been out there, he'd gotten it.

I left Nathan's side and stumbled around towards where Baine had come from. Hearing Nathan tell me to be careful, I raised my gun. Keeping my pistol in front of me, I walked until I came across a mutilated figure on the ground.

It was a fox, it's throat completely torn open. It's dark eyes stared into nothing.

"It's dead," I called, letting my hands drop to my side.

"Well serves him right for coming into Baine's territory," Nathan said and I jumped at his voice because he was closer than anticipated.

"Hey it's okay," he chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist for comfort.

"I know, I mean it just scared me. Baine's never done that," I leaned into his side, wishing my hands would stop trembling.

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