45: What the hell am I doing?

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Now I was getting sick of this. We needed to leave- soon.

"Lyra, we have to get out of here sometime," I finished off my fish. As much as I wanted her with me, I knew it wasn't right to stay at the cave for much longer now. 

"I know but maybe not this week but..." Lyra trailed off.

"Then when Jay? Because it's getting to be time to go. Do you have an exact date you're waiting on or something? " I snapped a little more harshly than I thought.

"No! It's just not the perfect time to leave," her eyes met mine and flashed defiantly.

"There's never going to be a perfect time to leave! We just need to go!" I exclaimed and threw my fish stick in the fire out of frustration. 

"Well if you're so sure how to get there, then go! Whatever! Apparently, you don't need to plan or- or think about what you need to do because that's such a good way to go!" Lyra stood up and glared at me.

Frustration and anger bubbled in my blood and I got to my feet, "You know what? Maybe I'll have to! Because I'm not waiting around forever Jay! I need to get home!"

"Fine! Go then! I can do this by myself here!" Lyra snapped at me harshly.

"You can do this my yourself?" I said dubiously and crossed my arms.

"Yes! As a matter of fact I can! I was doing just fine before you got here," she pointed out with a growl. 

"You know, I can do this by myself then too. That's not going to be hard since I won't have someone breathing down my neck about the fucking moon!" I yelled.

"Really?! You're going to criticize that?! Me?! I'm just trying to plan everything out! At least I'm not going to bug out when I wake up all by myself!"

"Then I guess I'm going to leave then! So when I get to the cabin, I'll call someone and come back down here and have to save your ass like I've been doing since I got here!" I started stalking to the cave.

"Save my ass?! As I recall, I saved your ass when I met you!" Lyra followed me purposely.

"Oh are you going to hold that over my head now? That's great, thanks. I'm sorry that my plane crashed and I nearly died, I see what an inconvenience that was," I snapped and threw my things into my bag haphazardly. 

"Yeah, that was an inconvenience, you know! I was working on my rescue plan," I heard her growl from behind me.

"And how did that work out for you? I can see you're going a friggin' fabulous job, except there's one little thing, you haven't been fucking rescued!" I laughed humorlessly and threw the strap over my duffle shoulder.

"Because of you! I've had to look after you like a babysitter and then winter came! What, did you just want to go marching off into the snow with a great attitude and magically find the cabin?!"

I snatched up the rest of my stuff and slipped on my boots, sloppily lacing them up, "You wouldn't have even known about the cabin if it weren't for me! You would've been stuck out here until the vultures decided to stop waiting around and kill you themselves!"

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