27: Teach me your ways Yoda

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"Honey, she deserves a proper burial," I purred, rubbing David's shoulders.

"But she's not dead!" He jumped up and faced me.

"We have to be rational here! No one could survive this long!" I growled.

"Lyra can!"

"She's too young, she's probably died of starvation by now."

"She's twenty years old! Why does no one believe in her!? I am so damn sick of all the doubting! I can feel  that she's alive and she's okay," David snapped at me.

He's never yelled at me. I grit my teeth, he didn't know who he was messing with.

"I am your wife! How dare you treat me like this! I am trying to help you!" Lie, but whatever.

David's eyes locked with mine and it scared me how cold they turned.

"You've never acted like my wife. You and Lyra bicker constantly! I've heard how you talk to her, that's why I let her get you back! You deserve every bit it! I've put up with you way too long...." He got out from behind his desk and went to lean against the door frame.

"W-what are you saying?" I asked, caught off guard. 

"I want a divorce. You're useless to me and my daughter."

"Wha- No! You can't do that to me! I've done too much for that little bitch to be dropped like a rock! She's so babied that she's not even a woman, I'm surprised she's not still classified as a kid!"

"My daughter is twice the woman you will ever be," David glared at me icily.

"How dare you-"

"I want you out of here by tomorrow night."

"Where do you think I'll go?!" I cried.

"Your brothers of course," he smirked at me before walking away.

No, no, NO! This isn't happening, it can't be happening. My plan is going down the fucking drain and I'm about to lose it. Running to the bathroom, I yanked my phone out of my pocket and dialed my only option.

"Hey sis, how's the scam coming?" Richard snorted.

"Now is not the time!" I whispered harshly.

"What do you mean?"

"David had...a melt down. He refuses to believe that little bitch is dead. I've tried everything! He blew up and wants a divorce. He wants me out of here by tomorrow night!" I was close to tears, my world was falling apart.

"Hold it! David exploded?!"

"Yes! He yelled at me!"

"Wow I expected that to happen a lot sooner."


"Alright alright, let's not let this get messy. He's probably just mad. Why'd you piss him off? Whatever. A car will be there for you at five tomorrow. We have to remember the plan. Theres a lot of money riding on this. I don't want  things to get messy but I'm not afraid to make a mess. Let's hope this is just a little argument. For David's sake."



"Boom sucka!" I yelled triumphantly.

"Come on! You're like a fricken' squirrel! It's not fair, I weigh more and I'm bigger than you!"

"Nope, I'm just awesome and that's not my problem."

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