66: My first Rodeo pt 2

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I screamed joyfully as the scrambler pressed me up against the wall. Nathan laughed as he was whipped around too. This had to be the third time we were riding it. The ride eventually slowed and we stumbled off. I couldn't stop giggling and I had to hold onto Nathan's arm to keep from falling over as if I was drunk.

Ally laughed at us as we walked up to her. She handed us each a beer, "You two are like children. How old are you, five?"

I took a sip and grinned at her, "Six actually. But good guess."

We'd been riding rides for a little while now and our ticket stash was dwindling. And after a trip to the ladies room, I'm happy to announce that I'm off my period. I know it's only been about four days but sometimes that's me. I'll be super heavy for a short amount of time or really light for freaking days.

Kim stumbled out of the beer tent, Tyler tailing her and trying to keep her up right. This girl was drunk off her ass. She just about fell on me but I caught her and tried to hold her up.

"Oopsie!" She giggled and tried to right herself.

"You are so shitfaced," I chuckled, holding her up.

She hiccuped, "N-naw bitch, I'm perfectly sober. Jus' gimmie a few minutes."

Kim almost fell again but Tyler caught her and scooped her up, "I think I'm gonna take her home guys."

We nodded but Kimmy grabbed my shoulder before she was carried away, "Hey- want some advice?"

"Sure," I chuckled.

"Don't drink like Kimmy does," She muttered in third person.

"Go home and bang the hell out of that," She pointed to Nathan, "And don't never ever go skinny dipping in Sherman lake with Tyler. He likes to-"

"Okay! " Tyler said, cutting her off. She giggled, "Put me down!"

"No, you'll fall," Tyler muttered flatly.

"Put me down now! I have a boyfriend sir. And you're hot an' all but I have me a boyfriend so leggo' me," She slurred and tried to push Tyler away.

"I am your boyfriend," Tyler chuckled.

"Nuh uh, Tyler doesn't have four eyes and two heads," Kimmy giggled, probably seeing double.

"Well I'll take you to Tyler, okay?" Tyler smiled.

"Oh yeah, okay," She nodded and they went off towards the parking lot.

Randy joined us with May on his arm, "We're gonna head home and take Copper back. Oh, and here."

Randy handed Nathan his favorite hat and he grinned. I have to say, Nathan looked pretty fine with that hat.

"Thanks. Hey, do you mind throwing these in my truck?" Nathan asked, handing Randy the stuffed animals he'd won for me earlier. I had a tiger and a monkey and a pig. Cutest things ever.

"As long as you don't mind sleeping at your house tonight," Randy grinned, eyeing May, who was paying no attention to him and trying to fix her lipstick.

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