10. Neil's POV

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Hey people! Much sorry for the delay but changing seasons usually spell trouble for my health and this update is also happening between sniffles and sneezes. Much love.

I was up when I felt Ishani trace a finger on my lips. I needed her. She was intoxicating, I always loved her but this was beyond control. I went to the balcony and said what I was oddly repeating from the past three days 'can we start over again'. She nodded a yes and I hugged her from the back.

Looking at the serene view imagining our lives ahead I was sure no matter how much she resisted I knew Ishani will say yes. I lowered my lips and showered her neck with small kisses. To my surprise Ish turned and kissed me hard. All I cared about was her, I whispered, "bed now" my voice laced with lust. We made love. I proffered my love to her and we spiralled to another level.

Ishani was half up and I Dodd boot want to move, "Neil it's already 6.30 get ready we need to go before our parents come here". I turned towards her, the sun was reflecting in her hair making them glow I kissed her, I tortured her with my touch and kisses when the truth tumbled out, "Ish marry me." Not the perfect time but she needs to know I mean the marriage bit and all this was not about casual sex. This time it was delicate and I handled her with all the love I had. when she cried out my name I knew she felt something for me.

The phone rang shrilly and Ishani picked it. I heard my father's voice as I saw Ishani's expressions freeze. She kept the phone down covered herself with a sheet and said, "That was your father wanting to know if you told me something. I know it's about that night. what is happening Neil. What did you tell him? Does he know we slept together?" She sounded hurt and i nodded a yes scared of her reaction, "let me explain," but she walked out and locked her room.

I was unhappy as I called back my father and decided not to tell him and complicate things for me. "I will be out in 15 minutes". Without bothering to shower I had Ishani's fragrance on me, I picked a black tee with my denims and wore the beige Zara biker jacket as it looked cold outside.

I was going to call Ishani when my mobile phone rang. Work emergency. I was on the phone for someone so I walked upstairs. I saw everyone come out. Ishani looked beautiful but she was not dressed for Mussorie. I was on the phone with Rianna who was telling me that my mother planned to match make us! Rianna was a friend and business associate, I had known for a few years but she was not Ishani so my mother's match making failed yet again. I was driving alone to the mall road where everyone wanted to go. Afyer an abreast breakfast I worked on my latest project and I was sitting outside Chic Cchocolate when I saw Ishani come outside to enjoy the warm sun, she slowly peeled off the jacket. She looked beautiful and my thoughts went back to our morning. Then I noticed another guy oogling at her. I wanted to punch him but instead I went to Ishani and spoke harshly, "You can change inside, why create an audience with your strip teasing." I grabbed her hand and looked at the guy to tell him she was mine as I took her back to our mothers. Ishani gave me an angry look.

Her blow hot, blow cold attitude was not helping me at all. I went back to the hotel and entered the bar. I started with a glass of neat whiskey and it relaxed my nerves. I started working on my laptop and mobile in the secluded bar only looking up to order something to nibble or a large Black label. I usually hated whiskey but this week my alcohol intake was surprising me. By the time I finished my work it was 11 PM. I knew sudden holiday's were not a good idea especially when I was to take over the company in December.

I was pretty drunk I realised as I switched off my laptop. A waiter from the corner approached me. "Do you need any help sir?" He asked. "Can you tell me where suite 1027 is," I asked sheepishly. This was actually a first. "Let me accompany you. My shift is over sir." He replied and picked up my laptop and papers. I walked with him clumsily and upon reaching my room I thrust a few hundred notes at him. "Thanks I can manage from here," I opened the door swiping my key card. I entered and kicked the door. I did not want to wake Ish up so I did not open the light. I had a few glasses of water and sobered up. I was walking to my room when I crashed into a huge lamp. Crash! The bang woke Ishani up and she stated yelling in horror. I rushed to her room switching on the lights. She jumped and hugged me in one second. "Sshh! Its okay. I crashed into the lamp," I replied hugging her tightly and stroking her soft hair.
"It's you. Where were you the whole day," she asked in a small voice. "Working," I sat on the bed next to her. As much as I wanted to repeat our morning, I needed some clarity from her. "Ish were do we stand?," I asked looking into her eyes as her long legs were on full display. I got up and left before she answered. I knew it was foolish but I couldn't help it. I was about to close my room when I saw her coming after me, "what's your problem?" I looked at her. She stood there in an oversized sweatshirt and was asking me my problem. I closed the distance between us, kissed her lips and slowly said, "you". Ishani was the end of me. Truly, I couldn't avoid her. She was mine. I felt her fight me as I urged to deepen the kiss. I looked at her and said "I was working in the hotel bar the whole day. Plus I talked to a friend maa is trying to act matchmaker for."

"You don't like her. Rianna right?," Ishani asked. "No she's a business associate and a friend. Nothing else. I will marry you Ish," I said and took her to her room. I tucked her in the covers and kissed her on the forehead. "We should take it easy. I won't eat you, it's just that I can't control myself when I see you," I said softly while tracing my finger across the contours of her beautiful face. "Then stay," she opened the blanket and invited me. I stripped of my clothes and went into the covers wearing a boxer.

We were discussing rather trying to get the lyrics right, a song by our favorite Punjabi singer Honey Singh when our legs entangled. I hugged Ishani my hands touched her naked stomach when I realised her sweatshirt had pulled up. I heard her breathing quicken, I took a sharp breath as I touched her underwear. But I decided not go all the way. I hugged her and said, "its late let's sleep."

I woke up when the door knocked persistently. I saw Ishani was not on the bed. I got up and opened the door thinking it was her. It was our parents. "Good morning," i said ashamed at my nakedness. Her mother moved to Ishani's room and the others were just sitting on the sofa when I heard her mother's high pitched cry. I rushed holding a towel to see her staring at my clothes and then I saw Ishani's clothes next to the bathroom as she emerged in a towel. "whatever is going on," she yelled and asked me. I went to my room and closed the door. I showered quickly and dressed up wearing denims and a blue sweatshirt. I went outside and saw 4 set of eyes look at me. I remained calm and asked, "where's ish?"

"She refuses to open the door," my father replied angrily. "But we were going to tell you all, we want to marry each other." Suddenly the environment in the room changed I saw my parents hug each other so much for me being the groom. I went to Ishani's room and knocked persistently. She did not open. Finally I went outside as I heard our parents decide they wanted a quick wedding within a month. I saw the waiter who accompanied me last night walking back to work. "Hey, do you have a master key?," I asked. "What happened sir," he asked fishing out a white card. Ishani's room had a private entrance too. I took the key, opened the room, thanked him and rushed inside. Only to find Ishani inside the bathroom hiding and crying. She was dressed in denims and a crop sweater which stopped just above her navel and flaunted her flat and smooth tummy. I scooped her up, cleared her tears and kissed her briefly on the mouth. "Let's go out for a bit. The drama inside can be scary." I packed her bags quickly. Keeping my discarded clothes which made this whole mess in there too. We went to the coffee shop it was spread on a huge balcony and offered breakfast buffet. Ishani sat in the corner as I messaged my father that we were out of the room and her parents must not confront her about today. We were in the coffee shop. I called a hotel staff and told him to fetch our bags. We were checking out.

Her hands were shaking as she tried to light her cigarette. I ordered a tea and a coffee along with some sandwiches. I lit her cigarette and handed it back to her. "Ish I have it all under control. I told them our intent of marrying," I said. She looked at me and tears started flowing, "marry you Neil? We were good friends but this stupidity has robbed us of that as well." "What do you mean. You know it was always going to end up in marriage," I replied softly as I knew she was hurt. "Marriage was never on my mind. We made a mistake and I did not even remember it. I like you Neil but I never thought about you this ways. And now I have been caught by my parents. Talk about embarrassing". She stopped when our coffee and tea arrived at the table and I served her the coffee. " Neil how can we match we don't even drink the same things. " She said and quickly started stuffing breakfast. Out of the corner of my eye I saw our families happily approach us. I grabbed and threw the cigarette and smiled at Ishani acting like the happy couple we were expected to be.

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