21. Ishani's POV

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Super quick update for all my lovely readers. I  will now update on Monday. Here's a quick update.

This song is currently my favourite and playing on the loop. Listen to it

Those words shocked me. Reet pregnant? How? Where's that idiot Sid? Does he know? Suddenly I saw Reet was looking closely for my reaction. I hugged her hard. "Its okay Reet," I pacified her. "How do you know? Maybe your period is late."

"No Ishani, it's not. I did a check with those pregnancy test kits," she pointed towards the bin which was full with about 10 boxes of the test kits. "But how?" I asked. "Sid never used any protection and presumed I was on the pill," she replied.

A sick dread filled my mind, neither had we ever discussed this. My period was also due this week. "Reet go take a bath I'm taking you to a friend who is a gynaecologist," I pushed her into the loo and went to the kitchen to fix coffee for myself and some milk and cookies for Reet.

I started calling Neil and was on my 5th consecutive call when he picked up, "Ish you okay? I was I'm meeting I had to break." "Neil, we need to talk something serious, Neil do you use protection," I rambled. "Protection of what?" He seemed confused. "Umm when you, when we, you know what I mean," I was embarrassed but I wanted to know. Someone cleared his throat and Neil talked slowly, "what happened? I don't really use anything." My heart sunk, I could be pregnant too, "Neil what if I am expecting?" "Are you? Tell me Ishani, I need to know," he asked. "Not till now but what if I am."

"Was this why you were puking early morning?" Neil enquired. Ohh shit! The pukes could be a sign. Now I was truly scared. "Ishani please give me the dryer," Reet called out. "I'll call you later Neil." I felt sick and couldn't believe Neil could be so foolish.

I called Amisha, she was a school friend who had her own gynaecologist clinic in New Friends Colony, "Hi Amisha, Ishani here. Remember me? Ishani Ahuja," I hoped she remembered me. I wanted to pick a doctor far out of the way so as to decrease any familiar people around. "Of course Ishani, how are you?" Thankfully she remembered me. "A friend needs to come over today itself. She just found out she is expecting and is not sure if she wants the baby. Can we come over?"

"Sure Ishani. Can you tell her to be here by an hour? I see patients till 12," as we hung up I saw 6 missed calls from Neil.  I quickly messaged him, "trust me there is nothing right now. I had an upset tummy due to which I puked. Talk later I'm out somewhere."
And he started calling me again.

As Reet dressed I typed back to Neil, "will call later." "Reet where is Sid. He ought to know about this," I asked her but I knew he was in Punjab.

"No Ishani he cannot know okay?," Reet replied. "But why? Isn't this his fault?" I asked annoyed. "He has too much to worry about already. I cannot bug him besides I'm not sure if I will keep the baby," she replied softly.

We kept quiet and went to the doctor. The house was palatial, complete with a garden and a driveway. I was sure we wouldn't met anyone we knew here. I felt under dressed for the clinic. I removed the hoodie and Reet looked at me questioningly. The clinic had a separate entry. I wanted to see her house it was beautiful. We entered and the attendant told us to wait as there were 2 women before us. Both were pregnant with their tummy popping out in the cute pregnancy style. But their clothes put me and Reet to shame. One was dressed in a short red dress, beige boots and a matching trench. The bag had LV written across. Her hair were perfectly set like she stepped out from a salon. And the jewellery she wore was astounding. The other girl was my age. She wore a pair of denims with a tight tee that made the bump stand out and black leather jacket.

Okay when I get pregnant I would need a lot more money to dress up for my checkups. Neil will enjoy this! I was amazed that Neil came to my mind despite marrying him for my parents.

We went in after the two ladies, some 10 minutes later. "Hey Ishani," Amisha got up and hugged me. "Hi yourself! You look so pretty." She was wearing a beautiful white top with red embroidery and blue denims. Her hair were perfect and beautiful. I introduced Reet and we all sat down, "so what brings you here?" Her question had many answers, my friend was pregnant. I might be pregnant. We were fools not to follow safe sex. We are unmarried women. Where should I start?

"I'm pregnant and I'm not sure if I want to keep it," Reet answered with more confidence. "Have you discussed with the father?" We both looked at each other. "It was an accident," I replied to save Reet from any answers. "Okay please start with these medicines and after you have decided to keep or terminate the pregnancy I will give you medicines accordingly. Right now these are presuming you want the baby. You have 8 weeks to decide after that we cannot terminate the pregnancy. There are a few blood tests you need to get now, but a majority will happen post the 12 week mark. Also the attendant will hand you a file which has dietary requirements and things to avoid. Understood? " Amisha was on doctor duty mode. Only when Reet muttered her okay did Amisha speak up again, "Come let's get some tea." "Actually there is one now thing," I said avoiding Reet's gaze. "Me and my fiancé had sex without protection and now I'm also scared," I spoke slowly embarrassed to admit it out loud. "Ishani when is your period due," Amisha asked. "In a few days from now," I replied. "Do you remember when you had sex," she asked picking up a plastic wheel. I nodded, a day before Diwali and a few more times after. Amisha moved the blue circle to a few dates, "Ishani there is a high chance, but wait this week before testing."

All air left my lungs. The tea, the drive back to Reet's home, coming home was all a blur. I wanted to sleep and the complications were shocking. Our parents, our weird equation, and an impending baby. Ohh my God, I started to hyper ventilate.

I called Neil but what will I tell him, get ready to not just marry for love but a baby too? With these thoughts I kept the phone down.

Do you think Ishani is preggers? Will it make her and Neil happier or create further issues?

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