41. Ishani's POV

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I called Lata first who picked my call in one go, "Ishani I had to rush. I was not feeling well. Sorry." Her reply seemed breezy.

"Sure. Bye Lata. Do come over tomorrow morning we leave for the wedding the day after or tomorrow evening." I called maa, "Ishani" she was on screech level 10 which ment things were very bad. "Can you please come home and stop pulling these stunts?"

"Coming in 10 minutes maa." I replied, said a hurried bye to Andy and rushed out of the bar. The fresh air was not helping me. I was drunk. I decided to drive, this surely was a lack of judgement. Alas as soon as I put the key in and reversed the car to get out of the parking, I hit the curb. Unfortunately the car jerked and I hit my forehead on the screen.

Damn I should have put the seat belt on first. I felt something wet trickle down my forehead, I touched my head and brought the fingers to my face and I was shocked to see blood. I did not want to die here. A head injury scared me.

I called Neil, "Neil I had an accident." But my words jumbled I wanted to scream but nothing came out and a strange peaceful darkness descended as I heard someone outside scream.

Neil was the last person I thought of as everything turned black. I had wasted too much time before becoming his.

I woke up with a terrible headache and beeping monitors. Where was I? Maybe this was a dream and I definitely had a bad hangover. I shut my eyes tightly when I remembered the accident. Instinctively I touched my forehead again and it was covered with bandages.

I looked around and saw my mother sitting next to me. "Maa" I croaked. "Ishani my Darling you are up? You killed us all literally. Let me call the doctor," she said touching my shoulder and ringing the bell.

The nurse came in and started checking my vitals as I saw Neil rush in. "Ish" he said but I saw tears in his eyes. He looked shaken and had a wild look in his eyes. "She's fine. The doctor needs to ask some questions and if all is okay she will be discharged," the nurse announced to no one in particular.

Okay, this was a full Bollywood inspired moment because I did not know where I was or how I came here. I knew Neil could answer this for me, "Neil?" Maa interrupted, "I'm off to the canteen for some tea, your father and Ishani's should know she is up. You take care Ishi," she left the room and Neil held my hand.

"Neil what exactly happened?" "Ishani all that matters is that you are okay." "Neil I need to know what happened?" I sounded weak and I tried to sit up, my head buzzed.

"You had an accident trying to take out the car from the parking. I won't answer anymore questions but I need you to answer this for me," Neil was sitting next to me holding my hand. I nodded slowly afraid my head would pain with any movement.

"Who did you go to meet and why?" "Neil I went with Lata who invited Andy and I remember I mixed my drinks," I feebly added. I knew of I told him of cosmos and trying out new drinks one after the other Neil might just get angry.

"Ishani you are not helping." "What helping Neil? I told you the truth." This was irritating. I was in a hospital bed and Neil wanted a list of my alcohol? Fine be it. "I had some cosmos with Lata before Andy came. He ordered some awesome cocktails." Neil looked at me questioningly.

"Ish did Andy make you drink or try something on you?" What sort of a question is that Neil? No! I don't remember what all we talked but he did not try any moves." "Ish my love you are bad at remembering." I coloured thinking of our first night together.

Neil took a deep breath it was like he was trying to judge something. He started fiddling with his phone, "Ishani shortly after you went to meet Lata she messaged me saying you are a bit of a loose character and she sent me these photos," Neil handed me the phone and what I saw made my blood boil.

I wanted to sit up and scream however, all I could manage was crying silently. The photos were taken from such an angle that it looked like me and Andy were hugging, kissing, dancing lewedly in each others arms.

Suddenly the door opened, the doctor was here. He looked at me and then Neil. "Please don't distress her. Her head injury is minor but she passed out. He checked my vitals and told the nurse to administer an injection before discharge. " I can go doctor? " "Sure, why not? However you can't leave till the blood test reports clear you. Mr Singh, is the lawyer here?"

Lawyer. Did I hear it right? I looked up and saw Neil who was staring at the doctor with a deadly laser like glance. "Neil?" Neil rushed and held my hand.

"Nothing really Ish. But you can help me by describing the whole evening. Please." His plea sounded desperate. "Neil I was annoyed and wanted to go out when Lata called. We decided to meet at this bar and had some cosmos while chit chatting and then Andy came. Lata had invited him to come over. "

"He made me have water, I think I was unsteady. Then we all tried new drinks on the menu before Lata left suddenly and I left when I saw maa and your missed calls. I felt a bit high but my car was not really starting or it was jammed. I'm not sure." This monologue ended with Neil asking me to wait for 2 minutes as he rushed out.

I shut my eyes. This was overwhelming plus the head injury would make me look funny on my wedding, maa will have a field day explaining the relatives. I drifted to sleep thinking about my attire with this head bandage.

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