16. Neil's POV

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Hello pretty people! I'm super sorry for the late update but promise i will be updating the story at least twice this week.

PS this chapter is dedicated to TanyaChander for being the my most persistent reader.

My resolve of not calling Ishani lasted till lunch hour. When I finally called her she picked it up immediately, "uhh huun," was her first word. Was she okay? Maybe she was angry, so I continued, "Ish I'm sorry. I called to talk, are you okay?” Her reply was the weird " uhh huun ohh." "Are you busy Ishani, do you need me to call you later," I asked annoyed. I was not used to this weird treatment specially from my friend.

The next I heard was Ishani coughing and a smooth male voice, "Ishani are you okay? Have some water." Then I heard Ishani and the guy giggle and laugh,  "imagine died of eating idli! "Princess the client is here. Get your makeup on and the papers ready. If it goes okay we go for a smoke and coffee. Ciao." My blood boiled. Not only had Ishani chocked this guy called her princess and they apparently shared cigarettes too!

Ishani had conveniently forgotten my call. Neil!" she exclaimed. I was too angry to care "Don't bother Ishani. Let's talk afterwards." She mumbled sorry but i have to go before keeping the phone.

After an hour I called, Ishani did not pick. Then I went into stalker mode and called her another few times but her phone was switched off. Swallowing my pride I called Sid, who informed me Ishani was in a meeting with a client and would be there till 6. So at 6 I went outside her office and started waiting. After an hour I saw Ishani standing in the balcony smoking. It was dark and I could make out another silhouette and then he stepped into light. It was that new guy Andy again. Why was he around Ish all the time?

I waited while settling my deals on phone, I saw Ishani hugging Andy as he softly said something in her ear. I could have ripped him into two.  As Ishani opened her car I dryly said "Finally after 2 hours madam graces us with her presence." To my surprise she turned and hugged me, "you are here? I thought my mind was playing games. Why did you not call?" I was thinking of her hugging Andy a few minutes back. Maybe she judged my anger when she softly said, "Neil?" But I needed to check her phone first "Where is your phone?" I tried turning it on but the battery was dead, "ohh the battery must have died. I had a meeting and did not look at the phone so forgot to charge it."

Ishani's phone and comment pacified me. But the jealousy in me was no where near to be pacified. I was scared of the few weeks I was off to work for. Why couldn't I trust her. She is mine.

"Driver Bhaiya. Take the car home I will come with ishani," I said and the drived asked me where was iahani madam's phone. "Yes her phone was off." I had tried calling her from the drivers number and called at her home too.

I quickly messaged aunty that Ish was with me and we were coming home soon. As Ishani gave me the keys, I remembered her chocking incident,  "Did you eat?" As we started driving Ishani started recounting the day. But I wanted to keep her away from Andy. I wanted her and then I did the most unpredictable thing ever, "Ishani I love you," I kissed her right on her luscious strawberry coated lips at a red light with cars all around us.

I wanted to clean my conscience of all the thoughts of the last few hours and last night. I knew Ishani cared as she reciprocated. I need more, much more. I needed to feel my Ishani. I smothered her neck with kisses. This public display of affection was a bit too much but then my control powers were all gone, "Meet me in your room tonight?" l begged.

Ishani's breathless kiss and yes proved she needed me too. Cars around us honked their was traffic all around. I went home and decide to have a quick dinner as my mother asked why had I called Ishani's parents. Everyone had panicked.

I went to my room and called Rianna to discuss Singapore and the deal. Rianna and her brother Deepak were partners with me for this new deal. As the three of us spoke on conference call Rianna added James our Singapore partner soon we were discussing the time required for allotment of the project and its workings.

James had already found us a studio apartment near Marina Bay which made the location prime. He started  mailing us the photos and wanted us to finalise the deal. Rianna was excited.

The way work excited her nothing else did. Interestingly I always thought that Ishani and Rianna would be great friends as before joining her father Rianna was a hot shot in some advertising agency in Thailand. She brought high selling powers to our brand.

The meeting went on till 12 midnight. I was tired but the reports had to be reviewed and sent back before tomorrow morning. It was 3 AM when I next looked up. Damn! Ishani was waiting for me.

I quickly shut the laptop and called her. I called 5 times before realising she must be asleep. I sent a sorry to Ishani and messaged my driver to send the biggest bouquets of orchids and lilies.

Do you think Neil can stand Ishani's closeness with Andy? Will Ishani be angry with Neil's not coming over? What do you think?

The track is from a Bollywood movie called Gabbar is back. Its super sweet have a listen.

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