19. Neil's POV

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Getting ready to leave without a blink all night, left me exhausted. But I was glad to leave Ish after clearing our misunderstandings. I smiled thinking of last night. Sure my date went the worst way ever but thankfully we were clear.

I needed to clear off a weekend to call Ishani over to Singapore and mentally I blocked the second last weekend already. That would mean the initial work load would lessen and I can spend time with her exploring the place.

I went downstairs dressed and with my bags, it was 7.15 already. I had a cup of tea, I was slowly adjusting to the taste and had booked an appointment with a tea connoisseur to understand it further. I wanted to share Ishani's favourite Chai with her and relish the taste.

The door bell rang, it was my parents who had just returned from the gym. Apparently mom wanted to lose weight before my wedding and dad accompanied her to the gym. It was so funny to see your parents flushed and wearing track pants.

"Hello maa, papa. I was about to leave the driver must have my car ready." I touched their feet. Mom got all sentimental, "take care beta. Have food on time. Please look for some good Indian food, you did not allow me to make you some ladoos for the trip." "Mom take care. Don't diet too much, Ishani will get sidelined on our wedding," I said to lighten her mood. "Bye dad," I said as my father placed a hand on my shoulder to say his good bye. I called Ishani but she did not pick up. Reluctantly I went to the car and the driver was starting the car when I saw Ishani run out of her house. Dressed in a bright pink long kurta with her hair nearly braided and a box in her hand she ran towards me. I got off the car and hugged her tightly, "I'll miss you," and said softly. I kissed her forehead, our eyes meet and she softly said, "Neil I think I love," but before she could end her sentence my mom yelled, "listen we are respected people can't you two wait? this is the third time not counting Mussorie." My heart was beating loudly was Ishani about to say she loved me, why did mom come out and spoil the moment.

Ishani cleared her throat and embarrassingly handed me a box, "open it as soon as you sit in the car. Bye Neil. Call me once you reach please," she turned and touched my parents feet. Something told me my mother was going to be quite a mother in law post our wedding.

I sat in the car and waved them goodbye. Once we turned I immediately opened the box. Inside were two chocolate cupcakes which were still hot. She must have made them right now. There was a package beneath it, I opened the wrapping paper and inside was a book, 'Coffee codes for caffeine lovers'. A hand written note was next, "Dear Neil, they say distance makes the heart fonder and this might be the best time to check our relationship. I got this gift for you last night but we were caught up in fighting and making up that I forgot it. PS I got two of these thinking we can talk about this instead of fighting the next time around. Miss you already, Love Ish."

I felt warm and happy. Finally something was going right. I smiled as I called her and bit into the warm chocolate cupcake. It was like chocolate velvet in my mouth. Ishani did not pick up. I was amazed as I did not expect ishani to cook so well. As I went into the airport and checked in my luggage. I messaged Ishani, "loved the cupcakes they tasted of your love. Will call you once I reach. "

The flight was average as Deepak joined me on the journey. We decided to set the apartment before work on Monday. Deepak also wanted to explore the nightlife at Buggis. "Its not a holiday," I said gruffly as I wondered how was Ishani. We reached the beautiful Changi airport at 3 PM, I called James and told them we will be at office in an hour. I called home to tell them I had reached I also called ishani who did not pick up again. I typed her a message, "reached beautiful".

Deepak seemed sad about going straight to work but I wanted to make sure work would be smooth. After 2 hours of nonstop work we bid goodbye to our new office people and went out to grab a coffee. I picked a sandwich and coffee but Deepak wanted fresher food so we went to this beautiful restaurant near the One Fullerton area. He gobbled up his fish and rice with a beer. I got my dinner packed. I also asked about markets to buy groceries as Deepak called his friends to meet them. I had a feeling working with this guy was not going to be perfect.

As we brought the groceries and fruits, Deepak brought beer and we went to our apartment. The apartment had a sitting area which overlooked the Marina Bay, you could see the eye on Singapore too. The view was stellar. A small kitchenette enough to cook basic food and two rooms with bathrooms. I took the room with a view and went for a shower.

After the shower, I called Ishani who picked up the phone in one go, " Neil I was worried. Sorry for not picking earlier, my phone was not with me." "Hi Ish! I'm fine. What worried you?" Ishani then asked me about Singapore, my apartment, etc as Deepak called me. "Neil! Come on get dressed. Why are you in the bed?" His question baffled and irritated me. "Deepak I'm tried you can head out. I well see you tomorrow at work," I said trying to control my anger. "But Neil it's Saturday tomorrow," he said and left.

I picked my phone and started talking to Ishani. We discussed my first day at work and lots more. Somehow the distance brought us closer. That's the beauty of being away, we connected heart to heart and I found my friend again. I kept the phone two hours later and slept with a smile on my face. My sleep was disturbed when Deepak entered the house, he was drunk out of his wits. He was tunelessly singing some odd song, I looked at my phone and saw it was 3 in the morning.

I tossed and turned till 5 AM and finally pulled off my sheets, got dressed and went for a jog. When I returned after an hour, Deepak was passed out in his room. I fixed myself eggs, toast and tea for breakfast. I went over my mails and pinged Ishani a good morning with a photo of my view from the window. I called James and decided to meet him at office by 9 AM. When I left for work I still couldn't wake up my weird partner.

As I hoped into Singapore metro when Ishani called me, "good morning Neil." She did not sound well. "Ish why are you up already? I am 3 hours ahead that means it's about 5.30 AM there." I was worried. "I'm not feeling well. I knew you will get busy soon so I called you," she replied and then I heard weird noises like she was rushing somewhere, "ish where are you?" Then I heard distant puking voices. Ohh she had a stomach infection. "I'm okay Neil just some stomach bug I guess. I'm heading to Reet's right now. She was brawling on the phone maybe there is some issue between her and Sid." "Ish should I call the doctor for you? Please don't go out of you are ill," I wished I there with her to take her out. As we kept the phone down I opened my file and tried waking up Deepak again.

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