Our rollercoaster relationship

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Here's why you should never fall for the office clown or have a night stand with a committed man. You can end up hiding pregnant, alone and scared for your life in Goa. This is my story as I fall for Sidharth Khanna.

Sometimes, the cheeriest people have the most complex lives. I Sid Khanna lead two lives, one as the office clown and know it all. The other as a mummy's boy. Life gets complicated as I fall in love with Reet Roy. And both my lives collide.

Chapter One: Love

As I opened my eyes and snuggled into my yellow comforter I heard my phone chime I saw Sid's message. "Coffee before work?" I quickly typed a yes and slowly took off my soft warm comforter I hated early mornings and I hated leaving my cozy bed.

I, Reet Roy, can actually be defined as a bed lover and a blanket lover. No, maybe a warm bed lover. There is nothing than makes me happier than talking and sleeping. And I have done both of them together as my family and friends say I love talking in my sleep.

I cleared my bed and quickly opened the doors to my balcony, switching on my one and most important possession my Nespresso machine. I love my coffee hot and strong, much like my taste in men. Though I'm still to meet the perfect one.

I quickly went to the washroom and decided to get ready if I had to meet Sid, have coffee and reach work on time. A quick bath later I was deciding what to wear when the bell rang. That must be Sid or my maid. I picked a black tee and black jeans combo and wore them as I went to door to answer. I love black it's my favourite colour. I opened the door and it is Sid smelling like the ocean and fresh as a mint standing happy and cheery.

"Hi Reet. Coffee ready?" That's how familiar this joker is with my life. Sid is an office colleague and almost a neighbor as he stays 5 minutes and 2 blocks away which classifies him as a neighbor in Delhi language except he lives an opulent house in Kailash Colony while I slum it in my one bedroom kitchen and huge balcony rental at Amar colony. He usually picks and drops me from work. We started going together when my car broke down which was pretty often so I decided to sell it and I'm still to buy one.

He is holding the newspaper and quickly goes to my Nespresso making his coffee and mine as well. "Seriously people will think you live here Sid. Get a life and a coffee machine when you are at it." I tease him as he looks in the fridge and yells back, "at least buy some bread and butter. You will die of hunger one day Reet."

I apply some deep red lipstick I love and decide to ignore his rantings about my food habits which is becoming his favourite, "you could have had breakfast at yours, Sid" I knew I had taken the bait and now his nutrition garble was about to start. I love irritating Sid.

Sipping the hot cup of coffee, standing in the morning sun hearing Sid muttering about importance of breakfasts, I love my daily habits.

I think I love, love too much and the details are all that matter to me. Habits formed over the years are my love. Falling for someone might or might not happen but love was always there.

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