30. Ishani's POV

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So here is the Christmas surprise specially for you chefradhika

We entered Neil's apartment kissing each other crazy and then Neil took off my top as I flicked on a small lamp, the switches were digging my back. We fell on the couch kissing when I heard someone shriek.

I registered a girl shrieking. I started shrieking too hiding my torso with my hands and looking for my top. "Rianna" it was Neil acknowledging the shriek. "Rianna?" I felt a cold sweat on my forehead. What was she doing here? Why was she in Neil's apartment? How did she get in? OMG Neil and Rianna were staying together?

"Hey Neil and Ishani. I just came today and was setting my room" I fumbled into my top not caring what was on display. Looking at my reaction Neil said "Ish I can explain. This is not what it looks like. R why didn't you tell me of your plans?" I got up, picked my bag, slapped Neil and ran.

I ran as fast as I could, down the escalator till my hotel. Tears streaming down. Suddenly I had no one I could trust. I collected my bags at the concierge and took the cab to the airport. My phone was ringing non stop. I pressed the end call button and switched it off. My check-in was all a haze and somewhere in the skies I saw that I was wearing my T-shirt inside out. I snorted and cried some more.

The air hostess got me a stiff scotch and kept topping it up. "Break up?" She asked. I cried some more. "Cheating" I replied as I gulped the drink in one go. I slept for a few minutes and woke up to put on my belt, we had reached Delhi. But the people were all yelling, muttering. I wanted home. I wanted my bed.

Slowly I understood that due to heavy fog and no landing permission for the next 12 hours our plane was going back to Singapore and we will fly back after 10 hours. Holy shit!

Thanking God for the business class pods I went deep into my blanket and fell into a fitful sleep where I was naked and being chased by Rianna. The airhostess gently touched me and gave me dinner, strong coffee as I watched the day break outside. We reached back Singapore and were ushered to an in-house hotel provided by the airlines. I went to my room which was pretty and basic after Marina Bay this was basic.

We had no visas to go outside. I was about to sleep when I remembered to call my parents, my father the easier one. "Dad" "Ishani beta we were scared as hell. Why's your phone off" "dad hear me out I have low battery and have misplaced my charger" lying seemed easier than saying the wedding is off. "Fog made landing impossible so they took is back to Singapore and I will be back tomorrow. It's been 12 hours on the plane. Let me sleep for a bit and call you later?"

"Take care my daughter. I'm so proud that you are managing alone. Please sleep now." I kept the phone down and went to take the hottest shower before going to sleep.

I got up in the evening as my stomach growled. I quickly dressed up in a tee-shirt Jean combo and went downstairs.

While having a plate of pasta and a huge cup of coffee I saw a new announcement on a board, we were to check out at 3 AM and if things went all right I would be home for lunch tomorrow.

I went back to my room and saw I had just about 50 missed calls from Neil. I switched off my phone and puked my dimmer out. I must have nodded off to sleep watching TV because when at 2 AM my wakeup call came I couldn't understand where I was.

I quickly brushed, washed my face and went out with my bags in tow. We checked-in again and the flight was after two hours so I checked out perfumes and cosmetics. I brought a book and went to the business class lounge to wait for the check in. After a hearty breakfast at the lounge, I went to the smoking zone I was still to confront my parents about Neil's indiscretions.

I called my mother, "maa how are you?" "Ishi my little doll. I'm scared I have been yelling on your father that sending you was not a great idea." "Where are you?" "Maa we are boarding the flight. I well see you soon. Love you maa." We boarded the plane as my phone started ringing in it's annoying tone again. It was a number I did not recognize, "hello" I said as the airhostess looked at me. I went till my pod when I heard a soft crying, "Ish I love you. The last 24 hours have been horrible. Please let me explain." I took a deep breath and kept the phone down, I switched it off. I was not switching on this shite again.

Over the next 5 hours I thought about reasons to forgive and not to forgive Neil. I reached the airport and saw both set of parents and I hugged them. Neil's mother was actually crying! "Ishani beta how are you?" "Did you eat?" "Relax both of you let her breathe." This was Neil's father. "Do you want to go home and have tea Ishani or you want to have tea then go home?" "Let's go uncle. I'm tired." I did not want to prolong this reunion.

I sat in the car with both the mothers on one side. I was so scared of the questions that I pretended to sleep all the way back and somewhere on the way I nodded off to sleep. "Beta we are here." My mom touched my head "Ishani you have fever!"

They took me to my room, the doctor was called for a home visit and I was sipping tea when he finally came. After the check up he announced it was the stress of the past few days coupled with traveling and I needed ample rest. "What could be stressing you out?" A lump formed in my throat but I couldn't tell my parents that Neil was a mistake.

I needed to tell Neil first. His parents also went home only after the doctor assured them that I needed rest. I showered and put on my PJs, curled under my purple quilt and the medication made me sleep in a dreamless deep sleep. The next morning I was up at 7 and I decided to go to work. Much against my parents wishes I went to work. I am wearing a woolly coat and denims as they feel Delhi winter might be the issue.

So how do you like that Rianna is back? Should Ishani give up on Neil? Next update Friday :)

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