||7|| The Unexpected Meeting

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Here is an extra long update for you guys!! I hope you enjoy reading 😃!!


Ragini raced through the woods to get back to her angry sister. She smiled at her sister's wild thoughts, and people thought she was crazy.

"Swara.." Ragini said in a pleasing voice, playing with the strangs from her hair.

"Hmmm," Swara hummed back in a response as she marched her way back to the tent like a military person, ready to attack at any time.

Ragini hesitated for a minute before she was cut of by Swara who asked her suspiciously, 'Ragini, what is cooking in your head?"

"Many things," Ragini sarcastically said back as she kept on twirling her strang.

"Name me part with woods, midnight and Swaragini in it," Swara said as she halted suddenly, and turned to face her sister who most probably had a crazy plan cooking in her head.

"How about we go exploring on the other side of the woods, let's see what is there on the other side," Ragini winked at her sister whose face illuminated in joy.

"What about the guards?" she asked back with confusion.

"From when did you start caring about the guards?" Ragini asked her surprised by her lost thoughts.

"From the time they started to invade our privacy," she said in a low annoyed tone, followed by a suffering sigh.

"Come let's go, if they are there, which I don't think they will, we will come back and stay in the tent. So, what does Shona say?" Ragini said as she placed a hand on her sister's shoulder and led the way.

"Shona says sounds like a plan," Swara said back happily as both of their eyes twinkled in new found pleasure.

Swaragini walked and walked through the woods, it seemed to them it had been hours since they saw the same black gloomy trees, leaved fallen all around them, the little moonlight on top of them, irritating both of them to the core. Both of their shoulders sagged back and their limbs were on the edge of falling asleep.

"Are we even walking in the right direction?" Swara asked irked by the pain in her legs with the constant walking.

"I think there are only 2 directions, IN and OUT," Ragini blurted out as she placed a hand on her hip and examined the place, maintaining complete silence for a minute.

"Can you hear that noise again?" Ragini voiced out her concern to Swara again, who looked like she was sick of that voice as it killed all her excitement in one go.

"There you go, the stupid guards again," Swara said in a irritated high voice, failing her arms on either sides.

"Shhhhusshhh...maybe it is someone else," Ragini hushed her annoyed sister.

"Bullshit, come I'll show you," Swara grabbed Ragini's hand again, and took them to the noise.

"You guards invade our privacy soo much, I mean why do you even follow us? But anyways, I think you should know that we haa.." Swara yelled out from the top of her lungs as they both headed in the direction of the noise.

"Swara, calm down," Ragini pleaded her sister to stop her shouting, but ofcourse she didn't stop.

"Look what you did, I forgot what I was saying," Swara exclaimed and took a minute to revive what she was saying, "Oh ya, you should know that we have the ability to take care of ourselves, we don't need you all around." She presumed her shouts as Ragini shook her head in complete disbelief.

Swaragini- A Modern Tale of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora