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"How could you?" I roared with anger as I walked into Sanskaar office. Yes, I lost the challenge, it was hardly 3 hours and I was back in his office again.

"Do what?" he asked with fake innocence as he fished something from the stack of scattered files on his desk.

"Why did you spread the news of you took the contract when you clearly didn't?" I raged at him.

I talked to literally 20 different companies to work as mergers with me, but all of them denied saying they didn't want to come as they don't want to be the third wheel between us both. He spread such a big rumour that he is merging with men so that I can't find anyone else. I was beyond angry, frustrated that he won, and desperate to get a merger.

"Glad to see you here again," he said with a cunning smirk plastered across his face with huge dark eyes gazing at me.

"Shut up and take that rumour off," I snapped harshly at him with my face turning red with anger.

"Nope," he casually stated as he averted his eyes from me and instead started to do something on his phone.

"That does it," I mumbled as I walked towards him, he avoiding looking at me and kept himself busy on his phone.

A crazy idea sparked up my head as I lunged towards him and grabbed his phone off his hands.

"Hey," he yelled as I ran away from him with his phone still in my hands.

"Look's like this phone is very important  for you," I said back, fluttering my eyes.

"Yeah, my reminder for events," he stated with a shrug, he had a formal suit on, with a loose black tie and messy hair.

"Come and get it," I sing sang and ran as he chased me around the room.

"Swara, give it back," he ordered me.

"With pleasure, but only if you give me the deal," I said back to him.

"The deal and my phone are 2 different things, we can talk about this calmly," he tied to peace out with me.

"Let me think about it,"  I said and pretending to think"NOO,"

"My phone has nothing to do with the deal, Swara," he whined childishly at me.

"Yes it does, it's yours and you are the supposed to be part of the deal," I smartly retorted.

"Just give it back,"


After throwing a few cushions from the sofa, placed in the corner of the room, I halted myself near the giant window.

I smirked at him and opened the 2 jolts of the window, his face grew pale and he tried to come for me, yelling, "Swara, no, no, no, no,"

"Too late," I yelled as I tossed the phone out of his window, I watched it hit the cement ground below and break into pieces. It seemed like a new Iphone 6S.

"Too bad, too sad," I said with my arms crossed on my chest as I saw his face turn from shock to anger.

"You are not going to leave me until I get you the deal are you?" he finally said, coming to my ways. And this is how you get people to agree to you.

"Yes," I admitted as I walked past the window and stood in front of his dark brown desk.

He let out a heavy sigh and clenched his jaw, "Fine, I have a offer for you,"

"Me too, how about you sign the papers with me getting 80% and you 20% then I will leave you alone," I said with a wide smile of assurance on my face.

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