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Sanskaar bulged open the metal door to his mansion, while a small smile crept through his lips remembering Swara's innocent threats to escape. The mansion was filled with dark brown walls all over, this was his personalized property in Cuba, their family came here often for vacations. He took a step into the mansion when he noticed a few pieces of glass scattered on the floor. The light from the windows above were shining brightly over the pieces of glass.

"What the hell?" he muttered with annoyance as he banged the door shut and moved towards the pieces of glass.

He picked the glass in his hands, his eyes widened with shock while the anger settled way below in his blood started to rise.

"Why is this broken? You know that this is a very precious antique from China," he barked with an extremely high pitched voice, waiting for the care staff to show up with a proper excuse for this accident. It better be a good reason or he won't spare even one of them.

"Where is the bloody staff?" he yelled out once again, hoping that they show up at least this time.

Now this rage was on the highest level as he walked into the living room.

The minute he entered, he saw the lavish red curtains were half hung from the rod, his favourite small flower vase was broken with the glass scattered through the floor of the living room. He had no idea why it happened, the sight of the room looked like there were few protesters in here to break down the place.

His mouth hung open when he carefully, escaping the glass pieces, walked into the kitchen only to see another disaster placed for him.

"What on earth?" he muttered angrily.

Thank god! nothing was broken, but the kitchen itself was jumbled, there was flour spread all over the floor and even the exotic granite marble top. His face was flushing dark red with anger while he clenched his fists and stormed out to the first floor to find the proper owner of this mess.

As he was ascending the stairs, he noticed streamers swirled on either side of the railings. Where did she get streamers from? Did she go over his closet? And why did she do all this?

Sanskaar felt the need to go to his room first and make sure that nothing moved from his belongings. He gently let out a small force on the door and walked in with extreme caution. He noticed that nothing inside his room had moved, nothing like nothing, everything was perfect. What is wrong with her? he wondered, still huffing and puffing with anger when he scrolled through the entire mansion trying to find her?

After several minutes of hide and seek, Sanskaar was still not able to trace Swara. She was really good at hiding, no doubt but he was the best seeker too. His mind had cooled down from the anger but the place was immediately taken by annoyance and frustration when he could not find her. His exhausted legs prevented him from taking a step further but his mind refused to give up without giving her a punishment for her deeds. His hand leisurely  went through his hair, while his face narrowed with extreme irritation.

He opened the door to the small library in the west wing of the mansion, it was Uttara, his sister, favourite place to hide. She would spend hours and hours figuring out the best spots in this tiny library, her little world of books was more larger than any other.

Sanskaar glanced through the library walls one more time before closing the door when he spotted a shadow of a slim figure, coming from behind the chest drawers. How could he forget to look there? He ran across the room in rapid speed with a smirk tugging the corner of his lips.

"Swara!!!! You are so dead now," he happily said, while pushing the chest to the side of the room.

There sat a physique of a slim figure, wrapping her arms around her body and tucking her head protectively under her arms.

Swaragini- A Modern Tale of LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara