||36|| Messed up Emotions

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"Sleeping beauty, you seemed bored," I heard Laksh chirp at me with glittering eyes. Somebody seemed to be in a happy mood!

I was staring blankly at the window with utter boredom evident through my expressionless face. We have been travelling for hours with soft music humming at the background of the car.  I spotted some waves a few miles away and scowled at him, "Don't tell me we are going to the beach again,"

"Something like that," he said hesitantly, unsure whether he gave out too much information.

I mentally slapped myself for coming with him, I am not in a mood to go to the beach AT ALL. "You know that I can't run away if you tell me where we are going,"

"You sure you won't bite?" He mocked at me as he turned his head and flashed his ever charming smile. God, why was he so perfect?

"Positive," I assured him as I glued my eyes to his face for hearing some sort of exciting news. Don't blame, I was hell bored and his calm, romantic songs were NOT helping me.

"My friend's b'day was last week and we organized this huge party for him. As a thank you gift, he gave me the paragliding tickets which I am dying to do since like 2 years. They expire today, so I thought why not give them a shot," he beamed with enthusiasm and commitment as we took another turn through the empty roads.

"Wow...paragliding?" I asked with a dark smirk, as I cooked up a plan in my head. Perfect huh? Let's test how perfect you are and how much you care about me.

"Yep, it is a 2 person voucher so I thought why don't I take a daredevil with me," he coolly replied with a wink at me.

"Me?" I asked with fake horror as I lunged out my seat a bit to add the effect. My eyes were widened and my mouth hung low with my eyes showing fear.

"Why are you so horrified?" He asked me as he caught me with my fake horrific look.

"Stop the car," I half yelled at him as I took off my belt.

"What?" He asked me confused.

"Stop the car," I demanded sharply once more as I raised my finger at him. He looked at me shocked for a second, before he halted the car with a sudden jerk and looked back at me blankly.

"What happened? You said you won't bite," he snickered flatly at me while I rolled my eyes. Always expect him to crash your plan.

"I am not, didn't Swara tell you I am afraid of heights?," I lied to him with anger while I raised my eyes with frustration.

His face showed sparks of realization and he gasped as he said, "You are joking right?"

"Not at all," I replied bluntly. I am such a good liar!

"But you love adventures....you surf right?" He asked me confused with a expression worth watching, while I bit my inner cheek to control my laughter.

"Yeah, but I know that I am floating on water, unlike paragliding where only a few strings are holding me," I snapped fakely at him as I averted my eye contact before bursting out laughing. Me...scared of height? Impossible much.

"Yeah, but you know how to swim in case you fall," he told me with assurance as he doomed with sadness.

"Dude, all that doesn't matter when you have the fear of heights," I said to him with a fussy tantrum as I got out of the car to prove my point. The chilly Delhi morning breeze was the just the thing I needed to chill out and breath in.

"Where are you going?" I asked him surprised as I opened my eyes to see that he was turning the direction of the car.

"Home," he sternly said as he drove perfectly onto the other side.

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