||46||Treaures in life

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My head spinned as I watched dumbstruck as Ragini's strings broke loose and she fell like a lost parachute into the cold water, splashing it right all over our faces which made me realize what the hell was happening.

I heard everyone gasp while I quickly jumped off the ship, thank goodness I was an expertized swimmer or else she might have drowned to death. I felt shivers of fear, the fear of losing my soul as I swam to her unconscious figure on the edge of drowning. A spasm of guilt pricked into me, I knew about her fear, yet I let her go into this water all alone, I am so going to kill myself if she doesn't wake up.

The waves of the water spilled heavily as my breathing turned hoarse and extremely uneven as I fighted the wind to reach Ragini's body. I grabbed her arm and pulled her harder against my chest, her skin was trembling cold and she showed no signs of consciousness. Oh shit, shit , shit! There was something wrong with her.

I picked her up gently in my arms and half swam half walked towards the shore where my idiot friends were staring at me like a hero. My heart was lingering in my chest, waiting to explode if something happens to her. Ragini, please wake up, her angelic figure lied in my hands, lifeless.

"Is she okay?" Nikhil asked me dubiously as I lay her gently on the sand while all the others scurried on the floor.

I rolled my eyes at him and scowled profusely, "Dumbo, have you lost your eyes too?"

For the first time in my life, I was happy to see Ved here because he was  a doctor and was the only person I needed at the moment, I asked him hastily as he bent over to check her pulse,"Is she okay?"

"Ptfff, look who's talking now,"Nihkil snickered with frustration.

I passed him a quick death glare before focusing back on Ragini.

"She is just unconscious and her temperature is way colder than usual," Ved said in his professional voice as he examined her face once more.

"Take her to your hotel, and sprinkle her with some water. As soon as you do that, give her some food if she wants and cover her with everything to keep her warm," he told me while I kept glancing with fear slowly dissolving inside me. She was okay, my Ragini was okay.

"Is there anything else?" I asked him frantically with desperation.

"No, just hurry up," he retorted with his hands gesturing me to speed up.

"Why can't I wake her up now?" I asked him with confusion.

"It will be easier for her to wake up and eat, than her walking from here and stuff," he told me patiently as I carried her in my arms again and walked with her towards the hotel.

"Fine," I mumbled as I bid them my good bye and walked fastly towards the hotel which was luckily near the beach.

I quickly ran towards their room in the hotel and laid her gently on the soft bed. I took a deep breath in as I sprinkled some water from the glass beside her bed on her face as I murmured, "Ragini, wake up, Ragini, wake up,"

Her eyes wriggled and moved a little while I raised my voice a little as I whispered, "Laado,"

"Huh?" she asked me confused as she finally opened her shiny dark eyes, making me breath in relief.

"You scared me to death," I scowled at her as I broke into a tight hug, inhaling all her scent which sent peace to my blood cells.

"I know you love me and all but I can't breathe," I heard her whisper in a strained voice which made me instantly release her.

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