|| 25|| The Exceptional Encounter

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"I will tell you if you tell me what happened to you that you hit your head so much that you slipped in coma," I questioned her with my eyebrows raised. This should keep her secrets to herself and mine to myself.

"Deal," she said in a low tone, while my body froze. Of course, I was taken aback, I did not expect my sister to just agree with me. But she did.

I gave her a tight smile, trying to hide my shock and amusement, this will take a while to digest. I stared at her blankly, did she just do that? I pinched myself to make sure, she will tell me if I tell her.

I can do this, I didn't do anything wrong then why am I so nervous? Ever had the feeling of mice running through your stomach and flustering your body, that's exactly what I am going through.

"Umm..who goes first?" I whispered lowly as she looked at me with bored eyes.

"You," she stated rapidly with a smirk.

"Why don't you start because you made the deal," I retorted, hoping she would go first. Reading the mixed emotions on her tired face, I completely understood that she was as nervous as I am. She had something big going on the night of that day.

Just as Ragini opened her mouth to explain me what happened when my phone started to buzz from my back jeans pocket, what a timing?

Ragini pouted as I sniffled out a laugh, "Gimme a sec,"

"Swara, we have a problem here," I heard Tina squeal with worry from the other end.  Great , what now? Why did life hate me so much?

"What is it now?" I asked with a heavy, displeased sigh.

"Umm..you know the land deal I was talking about in the morning right?" Tina said hesitantly.

I held my breath and quietly responded, "Yeah,"

"The company wants a 70 them and 30 us deal instead of a 20 them 80 us,"

"WHAT?" I shrieked, "Are they nuts?"

"I'm not sure, I think you need to go to Delhi personally to get in touch with them," Tina said in a low voice.

"No way, send Layla," I said as I bit my lower lip. Why is this happening to me?

"Swara, last time she went alone she didn't get what they were saying and negotiated the wrong way," Tina scolded her.

"I know, I know, I wonder how dad let her stay in the company after all that," I mocked as I remembered her messing up a few months ago.

"So...is that a yes?" Tina asked with suspicion.

"I guess so, tell my driver the address, I want to drive there," I stated nonchalantly as I looked at Ragini who was staring at me widened eyes.

"Are you sure? The private jet can take you there, I will arrange a car from there," Tina planned the trip for me.

"Sure," I said as Ragini crossed her arms on her chest, frowning at me.

"All ready then," Tina said before hanging up which was her clue to go to the mansion to get onto the jet.

"Ragini," I started to explain but she interrupted me.

"Where are you going?"

"Delhi, should be back in about a few hours," I stated as I have her a warm hug.

"You better be, we need to talk," she said seriously, implying the conversation we just had.

I nodded and sprinted off to my car, alerting a nurse to tell papa and ma about my sudden change of plans. I am going to snap brutally at whoever this was, how dare this person flip my deal? Wait and watch what Swara has in store for you, I thought as a dark smirk blew across my face as I entered the luxurious jet.

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