||15|| The Reunion

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Sanskaar inserted a gentle push onto the door to open a slight creak to see if Swara was awake. And indeed she was, she was stirring up gently and pressing her temples with her hand. Sanskaar blew a sigh of relief, it had been quite a while since she was asleep and he wanted to let her know the good news as soon as possible. He inserted more force on the door, which made a screeching noise to which Swara laid down and pretended to sleep again.

Why was she acting....freaking drama queen. He snorted in his head, as he walked a placed a little peck on her forehead. The shiver and blush that surrounded her body was quite evident, he was expecting her to rise up and look at him but NO she kept on faking her sleep. Sanskaar went ahead with determination to teach her a lesson and pecked her soft cheek another kiss. She was turning into a darker shade of red, while her eyelids showed no sign of opening. Stupid girl! Sanskaar thought as he went closer to her face, fanning his breath on her lips. Her eyelids started to move with shiver, she clutched the duvet surrounding her harder. A smile played on his lips while he moved a little closer to her face, she immediately opened her eyes in fear and pushed his chest and rose up.

"Keep your body to yourself," she told him in shock

Sanskaar let out a chuckle seeing her face with fear and horror written all over, "Then don't pretend to do something when you are not."

She mumbled something in a frustrated voice, letting her eyebrows furrow and the mouth twitch.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with concern looking at her pale face filled with tiredness.

"Better than before," she answered with a weak smile.

"So my little trick did have effects on you," he said huskily with a smirk on his lips.

"What? No, shut up," she snorted back with anger.

Sanskaar kept on laughing seeing her reactions change from blushing, to frustration, to tiredness and now anger.

He walked up a little closer and moved his hand forward to check her temperature, just as he was about to do so, she bent backward with her eyebrows raised looking at his hand. This kept on going for 3 whole minutes, him trying to touch her forehead while he kept moving backwards.

"Oh come on Swara, I am not going to eat you up," Sanskaar retorted with anger with the stupid game going on.

"You never know. A girl should always take caution," she alerted him with a serious look on her face.

"And a girl should also know that if I wanted to do something I could have done it long back," he told her, grabbing her waist and lunging her forward to check her temperature. The minute his cold hand went up her warm body, she winced like a little child full of innocence.

"Unfortunately you're fine," he mocked at her while she sat there with her hands crossed which made her look cuter than before.

"Why are you here?" she asked back, while he stood there taken aback. What kind of a stupid question was that?

"To see if you are alright,"

"Seriously? Sure there isn't anything more?"

"Oh yeah, I talked to Laksh and he said that both him and Ragini will come to Cuba in the next 24 hours," he muttered sheepishly, forgetting the actually reason he was here.

"OMG!! Are you serious?" she enquired with her eyes lit up like a LED bulb and face glowing with joy. Sanskaar rolled his eyes and nodded slightly before she pounced on him for a bone crushing hug. She wrapped her long, fragile arms around his neck with intense force, knocking them both on the bed with Swara on top of Sanskaar. Sanskaar look on stunned before he slowly placed his arms around her. She let out a victory squeal and pulled apart, "When..how?"

Swaragini- A Modern Tale of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang