||53|| The Matchmaker

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Ever had the feeling when you wanted mother Earth to badly swallow you up to save the embarrassment the world is throwing at you? Well, that's exactly how I felt when I fell on the ground, my entire face flushing with embarrassment. I fell on my right knee, my ankle carefully twisted underneath as I saw everyone in the studio freeze. I can practically picture Swara's death glares from the other side of the room and  the pity looks from people around me.

Uh..what now?

I disentangled myself from the wires when I noticed a familiar hand help me stand up. I tilted my head to see Laksh, glancing at me with worry and concern. From the corner of the eye, I noticed Swara on the edge of blowing up, her face engulfed with vexation. Sanskaar beside her, was frantically trying to calm her down, but I knew better. He was most probably suppressing his laugh, but alas, I can't really do anything right now. Laksh, boggled by my behaviour, shook my shoulders gently, staring at me incredulously.

Well, I am sitting in the centre of the stage while the show is airing live. Great way to start my day.

"Thanks," I gave him by dazzled smile, scurrying myself off the platform.

The host wiggled her eyebrows at me while I felt the heated glares of the rest of the ladies behind my head, clearly portraying their wrath. Am I missing something?

I quickly removed my hand from Laksh before heading back to the stands where the rest of the ladies were seated, glaring at me, Nita in particular, looked like she was ready to rip my head off.

I would like to see you try that, I mentally grinned at where my thoughts were heading.

"Well, that was quite an entry," the host snickered as she resumed her explanation of rules, "As this is our special segment of Matchmaker, we are going to have some fun as I have tweaked the rules a little. Well, there are going to be three rounds. We are going to start off with a talent show, each contestant will have to do something to impress the gentleman here."

"I must say, I am quite picky. Unless you waited for me for two years, you wouldn't know," Laksh said, directing his gaze directly at me.

I scowled at his attempts to flirt, he can't even stop even while we are on a show.

"You all have five minutes to prepare an act for Laksh here while we make him do some work," the host continued, indicating us to get off the stage.

I crossed through the army of ladies fighting for the manager's attention for all the items they need for their 'special' act as I headed towards Swara and Sanskaar.

"Er, Swara, what is my talent?" I asked her bemused as she glared at me, the clipboard set on her hips, looking way too much like our high school principal.

"I don't know, falling down maybe? You can show them how to fall down in thousand different ways," she sarcastically retorted, her voice edged with fury.

"I could even say how we could fall on our sisters if they show way too much sarcasm," I played along with a bright smile on my face as I grumbled beneath. Why is everyone so damn determined that I fell on purpose. Why do they think I am? Some girl who liked to be embarrassed on international television? Hell no.

"Cut down the slack, idiots," Sanskaar intervened into our fight.

"Did you just call me an idiot?" Swara snapped back at him making him look at her incredulously.

"I think the important part if about my talent," I attempted to divert their attention to my problem.

"I did call you an idiot. In fact you are one so I don't see why it is a problem," Sanskaar argued back, proving how much of an idiot he is. Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut?

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