||38|| Silly Mistakes

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As the door slammed shut, I instantly dropped to my knees, with extreme hurt and pain clawing in my pain. Why wouldn't you listen Laksh? Why wouldn't you?

A hot tear of anger, hurt, pain, sorrow, and confusion rolled down my cheek as I wrapped my hands around my knees and let my sobs fill the air. Each and every minute of the pain was striking more and more questions in me, why did I even fall in love with him? He hurt me, yet again. My stomach was in a big knot which was determined never to untie while I wanted to screech as loud as possible. My throat was dry, itching and burning with the heat brewing inside my body.

"Why didn't you let me explain that he pointed a gun at me, why didn't you let me explain that I gave the wrong address? Why can't you take one minute to let me explain?" I mumbled with anger to no one in particular.

I wiped another tear strolling down my cheek and took in a deep breath. The kidnapper was smart, very smart, he would figure out sooner or later that I gave him the address in London where no one was there. We needed to escape before that,  no matter how much of anger Laksh has in me, I needed to find him and escape. I can explain him the truth later, when we were safe and alive, and not ready to be slaughtered like now.

I quickly ran to the food placed on the bed and glanced at it. I need boxes, any sort of box to pack these in. I scanned through the room with furrowed eyes to spot a box which was used to hold some mint and other refreshments. Bingo! I grabbed the box and stuffed the remaining food in it and hurried out of the room to find Laksh.

We needed to escape now, where was this man? I scurried rapidly to the elevator and punched in the few numbers to the ground floor, panic was inside me and my heart was running wildly with fear. If I don't get out now, then we can never go again. Laksh, where are you?

The elevator landed on the first floor, revealing a huge crowd waiting to get in, I hold my breath as I walk out of the elevator and into the wide lobby. Nobody saw me...yet.

Where was Laksh?

"Hello, I am looking for this young man, who is injured with a plaster on his head. Have you seen him by any chance?" I asked nervously at the counter, hoping he left the hotel so I could too.

"Sorry Ma'am, nobody like that entered the lobby," she replied sweetly while I gasped with horror.

I gave her a tight smile and looked around the lobby with immense fear circulating around my body, my eyes yearning to see those pair of brown eyes I could drown into, the charming smile, the flirting personality, where are you Laksh?

Did he go back to the room? The floral skirt I was wearing was sticking to my legs, the tank top was sweaty and my hair was in a huge mess, people around me were looking at me with suspicion.

Did I have to look like an abandoned women? I sighed with frustration and rushed back to the room. I opened the door with the card I earned after bribing a staff member to get me the pass to unlock doors. I am soo smart.

As I was admiring myself for my smartness, I entered the room to find a shadow of a man near the windows, YES! Laksh was here after all.

"Thank God you are here, I was so worried," I began to rant as I opened the entire door and glanced at the figure smirking at me.

My throat formed a lump within itself as the color from my body leeched out completely when I was the kidnapper with a dark smirk, his usual mask standing there infront of me. Why was he here?

"Looking for your boyfriend are we?" He dreadly stated with fake concern as I looked at him blankly with no emotion.

"I'll take for a yes," he said after a minute of silence, "Let me help you, he is in the place which gives him extreme care,"

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