||42||The Hasty Confession

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"Do you want me to give more info of your past or will that suffice?" I heard Zain comment as I looked back at him in horror, that idiot decided to kidnap these 2 and then blame my dad? How dare he?

"Why don't you understand the words 'shut up'? Mind me engraving them into your head,"  I spat at him in disgust as I sprinted towards him as I pushed his smirking face, throwing blood all over.

"Is that all you have got?" He added more fuel in me as I continued to beat the shit out of him.

"That does it," I mumbled as I grabbed his collar, anger was circulating like blood in my body and my mind was chanting only one thing, destroy him.

"What the hell, stop it," I heard Swara yell out at me from the top of her lungs in a horrified voice but I payed no heed to her.

  As I pushed him against the wall, we heard a few whistles and clicks from a few feet away, I stopped to hit him and listened alertly to the sounds when Ragini pointed out briefly, "What is that noise?"

"Ahh...my guards are finally here. Didn't expect me to come single handed without a loaded army did you?" Zain voiced out mischievously with a glint of evil covering his eyes.

"Loaded army, crap," I said as I let him go and came back to Swara, Laksh and Ragini who were all panicking.

"Laksh, take Ragini and here is a gun for you," I tossed him the spare gun I found hastily and looked out cautiously at the door for men to come out any minute.

"Bro?" He asked me with confusion and giving me a no-way-I-am-going-to-do-this look.

"I know you hate using it, but for safety, take it man," I shoved it firmly into his hand and grabbed Swara's hand.

I heard a few clicks on the door again and I screamed towards the frozen Swara as the bullets travelled past her way, "Swara, duck,"

"That was so close," she mumbled as she shrank to her knees while Ragini and Laksh ran towards the other side of the hotel's basement.

I caught her hand and ran towards the outer door yelling out, "Hey, you okay?"

"What do you think?" She bluntly said.

"I am sorry for all this, I didn't know he would do anything like this," I whispered to her with begging eyes as we both halted at the door to listen to sounds. There was a safe distance between us and barrels surrounding us on either sides.


"Why are you so silent?"

"I am standing here with a man who I thought I knew but I just realized that I didn't know anything about him. Why do you think I am silent?" She snapped out hotly.

"Swara, look, there is nothing like that. I promise I won't hurt you or anything like that, trust me,"

"Fine, then tell me your past,"

"Here? Now?" I asked her shocked.

"Yeah, I think I have the right to know,"

"It was right after school when I was hanging out with these friends whose dad was a policeman. He bought his gun with him to the park where we used to play soccer, and we played with it for fun. Everybody kept saying I was the best at it, which built up my ego and I started to slyly use guns and train with them. Zain was with me the whole time and after I was done with being a master in using it, he persuaded me to go and help him destroy the people who killed his hope. We made a full proof plan which was hidden from everyone, but somehow Laksh came to know about this. He confronted me the day before the move and persuaded me to give this threat up. I gladly did so after I realized that this gun was not worth my time, but clearly that made Zain furious against me. He became a little mad with his ideas and even psycho, we took him to a rehab just for counselling but he ran away. I didn't know it was him all along, Swara, I didn't,"

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