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There is a twist in the story....keep reading to know! Just an alert that from now on the story will be written in 1st person POV




"Guilt started to rise up her throat, while she stared at the mouse and then at the picture of Ragini in the TV, what will her choice be?" I finally concluded the story the last time for the day.

I glanced at Ragini who lay unconscious in front of me, her long thick hair lying messed up on either sides of her pale face. How great of me to tell her the story when I clearly know she is not listening, why am I telling her the complete truth when she isn't even paying attention to me.

I let out a deep sigh and squeezed her hand which had several needles which were dropping the much needed glucose in her body. My sister was in coma. It has been more than a month now, she has not responded to a single treatment, a single voice nor a single touch.

Nobody knows what happened that she hit her head so much, I found her on the side of the path by our tracks, bleeding to death. She slipped into coma overnight in the hospital and has not showed any sign of progression until now. I come here everyday, every single day, to narrate what happened to us in before her accident, leaving the suspense so she could wake up.

I didn't tell her the complete truth yet, I never had the courage to tell her in the eyes what I had done, so I just told her a few details and shut off the rest. After her accident, I recite the entire story 3 times, 3 freaking times to reduce my guilt and wake her up. Chances are at 0% that she is listening to me, but I still do it, probably to stop my guilt from eating me alive. The pain was creeping in me every minute of the day to no longer see a smiling figure when I wake up, a scowling figure when I came late, a motherly hug of comfort when I had a nightmare, an advisor when I needed suggestions, a sister that my eyes were desperate to see. It felt like a part of me suddenly disappeared, the heavyweight of confidence suddenly burst apart.

"Any movement?" a deep, male voice from the back called out to me, startling me as a shiver run through my spine.

I spinned around to see a tall, 6 foot 5 man, well built, tan complexion, creased forehead, and a pleasant smile on his face, Dr. Niel. He had been the most patient person I had ever come across life, he dropped by every single hour to check on Ragini, to make sure everything was going on. Although, most of the doctor's gave up hope, he kept assuring us that  he will treat Ragini. He was very calm and composed who bared  all my tantrums and snaps throughout the month.

"Nothing that I can see about, " I stated with a heavy voice as my face turned into a sad smile. Why wouldn't you just wake up Ragini?

"Hmmm..let me see," he said in a soothing, calm voice as he walked up to Ragini and placed a connector in her veins.

I saw the screen flash her heart beat, still less than normal, which meant she was still in coma. As everytime I see it, my stomach went taut, my limbs motionless, tears were welling up in my eyes. How could she leave me like this? I wanted to scream my heart out, I wanted to tell her how much I missed her, I wanted to order her to come back to me, I wanted to tell her to get up. Just for me. A sniffle escaped my mouth as my eyes started to fight back the tears.

"Hey, it's okay," Neil gently assured me as I closed my eyes to take in the tears and my emotional outburst back.

"Is there anything else we could do?" I asked him with hope filling my body.

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