Chapter 4: Red

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"I don't understand anything about Spanish, like why do I have to know it in school when there's Dora." Maggie complaining about the upcoming test on her second most hated subject after Math.

"It'll be just easy if you study." I said to her handing my notes "Here, try to read my notes. It might help."

"Thank you so much much much much Cassie, What would I have done without you." she hugs me.

"Thank me later when you already pass the exam." hugging her back.

"Yeah! But I can't give this back till Sunday, I have a date with boyfriend." Maggie giving a toothy grin.

"Fine! What else can I do." Shrugging my shoulders.

"You are the best!" She squeals. "You know If you want I can maybe get you a date and we can totally double date on Saturday." She scans her phone for contacts.

"Not my thing remember." I said waving my hands no.

"Come on! Just one date." she insists.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"You haven't even tried it, how about Aaron? He likes you." she suggested.

"Oohhh, he has a funky breath." I cover my mouth on that. "Let's just not."

"It could be good."

"What could be good?" Pheobe asks just came from her make-out session with Bryan.

"I'm trying to find her a date, I was thinking of a double date on Saturday." Maggie explains to Pheobe, and Pheobe seems to like the idea.

"I'm in! You can count Bryan and me on that." she said wiggling her brows on me. "It'll be a trio date!"

"No..." I shook my head.

"Yes!" Maggie exclaim.

"How about Tyler?" Pheobe asks as she scans through the crowd.

"He looks scary like a changing werewolf." I commented.

"Klaus?" Maggie's turn.

"So short-tempered and so many family issues, though I like his accent but still No." and the list did not stop there, with Pheobe we might finish until next week.


Chace was sitting on his normal chair flirting with some other girl as I enter Mrs. Jenkin's class. I immediately rush to my unoccupied chair and sat in it with a winning smile.

"Comfortable?" He asks with a grimace.

"Yes, thank you." I nodded, then he burst out in laughter making me confused and in a second it hit me. I quickly stand and I saw wet red paint spilled on the seat. "THE HELL!" I twist my body to look at my bottom.


Chace was laughing hysterically, his hand on his stomach from so much laughter. My nostrils flared from anger, I took my bag and hit him and hit him.

"H-hey!" He couldn't even speak from too much laughing.

"You freaking asshole!" I continually hit him. "Look what you did to my pants!" That made him laugh even more. "Asshole!"

"Everybo-" he was about to announce what happened to everyone though some have already noticed. I hit him for the last time, covering the red paint on my pants I stormed out of the classroom to my locker and to the ladies room.

That Jerk!

I changed into my gym shorts, glad that I always keep it on my locker as an emergency spare. Folded my pants and shove it inside my bag. Amy and Maggie entered the room.

"Hey Cass, what's up with the shorts?" Maggie said looking at my gym shorts.

"Yeah, though I've always envied your legs." Amy wiggling her brows looking at my legs.

"Chace happened!" I shrill in frustration.

"What did he do now?" Maggie looks at me with concern.

"He put red paint on my chair, ruining my pants." I sighed in irritation. "That Jerk!"

"What?" Amy burst out laughing, I glared at her "Sorry, so not funny." she covers her mouth to keep the laughs in but totally failing.

"I hate you!" I glare at her.

"You know you don't." she winks at me, I just roll my eyes in response "So you're going to get back at him right?"

"Damn right!" chewed my lips in anger.

"But if you do that, it may never end." Maggie always the nice one in the group.

"Please Maggie, Let her have her fun!" Amy rolls her eyes at her "What's the plan then?" lean in for the information.

"I haven't figured that one out yet but I'll make sure to even the game." I looked at my reflection on the mirror, feeling so determined.

"Go, Girl!" Amy cheering.

I'll surely will.

"Ciao Bellas! I still have to get to class." I said as I left the ladies room, peacing out.

I went back to Mrs. Jenkins room, she has already started with the lesson.

"Why are you late Ms. Collins?" She asks with her hands on her hips.

"I got held up by the commotion outside." I lied so that she won't give me detention.

"Kids nowadays are magnets to troubles." she shakes her head in dismay, took a second to look at Chace who was sitting on his seat with his feet up.


"Can I?" I gestured to sit by an empty seat next to Erika.

"Okay." she said nodding.

I made my way to another seat glaring at Chace but his eyes seem to prey on my legs while smirking.

"Nice legs, you should wear shorts more often." he commented biting his lower lip.

"Pervert!" I glared at him once again before sitting on another chair.

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