Chapter 5: My Turn

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I haven't planned my comeback yet and thank God he was so busy lately with Football that he must have forgotten that it's my turn. I hung my keys on the keyholder, dropped my bag near the stairs and flop onto the couch.

I'm so tired.

Not a minute of rest someone knocked on the door.

"If You're Pheobe with your blind date list I will slam the door onto your face!" I yelled as I drag my feet towards the door.

"It's Lily Wayne, not Pheobe." Mrs. Wayne said from the other side of the door. I rushed to open it.

"Hi! I'm so sorry I thought you were my friend." I gave her a toothy grin.

"Oh it's fine, totally my fault." she waves her hand nonchalantly.

"Would you like to come in?" I gestured for her to enter.

"No, Thank you. I actually need to be somewhere."

"So, what can I do for you?" I asked politely.

"I'm going to ask a little favor if it's alright." Lily with a hopeful face.

"Yeah sure" I nodded.

"Jerry and I are going to this company party and we can't bring Lucy along. You know old people stuff and Chace is busy with practice, therefore I don't have anyone else to look after Lucy. I was kinda thinking that you could babysit, just until 11 or until Chace comes home." She said.

"No problem, I'll babysit for you, Mrs. Wayne." I nodded.

Maybe this is my time

"Really?" Her face lights up in relief.

"Yes!" I assure her.

"Thank you so so much, I appreciate it a lot." she squeezes me into a quick hug "We'll be leaving at 7 and I'll probably see you then."

"Surely." I gave out a grin, only she new I'll be hitting 2 birds with one stone.

"Okay, bye!" She gladly waved goodbye



Knocking on the Wayne's door, Mrs. Wayne opened it putting her earrings on.

"Hi, Cassie!" She gestured for me to enter "Jerry, Cassie's already here and we have to go or we'll be late." she yelled up to the stairs.

"You look so beautiful Lily, love the hair." giving her a thumbs up.

"Thank you, burned my finger 3 times just to make it." looking at her hand with burned marks.

"That's why sometimes I hate being a girl." I tugging my lower lip out.

"I feel you." she chuckles, Mr. Wayne rushing down the stairs holding Lucy. The little girl giggling in his father's arms.

"Ready?" Mr. Wayne asking Lily, as she puts Lucy down "Hey Cassie" he grins, I wave in acknowledgment.

"Yup, Let's go." Mrs. Wayne taking her clutch bag on the side table by the stairs "We'll be home probably at 11, thank you for doing this again." she gives me a grateful smile.

"Sure thing." I smiled

"We better go." Mr. Wayne holding the door opened "Thank you." he pats my shoulder and turned next to her little girl "Goodnight, be good okay." he kisses her goodnight on the cheeks.

"I'm always a good girl." she pouts, making her parents chuckled.

"We know sweetie." Lily pinches her chubby cheeks slightly "Cassie..." I know what she meant by that

"Goodbye Mr. And Mrs. Wayne! Have fun!" I waved them goodbye, closing the door. I turned to wiggle my brows to the little girl making her giggled as she stands "Soooo..." slowly walking towards her "What's a tickle?" She shook her head as she giggles "This!" I showered her with tickles until she could hardly breathe from laughing.

"S-sto-p!" Lucy was rolling on the living room carpet, squeaking from the tickles "S-top" she tries to escape my tickles.

"Oh gosh!" Finally decided to stop tickling her tho my laughter isn't done yet. "I might have peed my pants a little." I said still laughing, laying next to Lucy laughing as well.

"It was fun!" She exclaims.

"What shall we do next?" I ask her, tapping my index finger on my cheeks thinking. She opened a cabinet that has her toys in it.

"How about we bake some cake." she grins, holding play does and different types of molders in her hand.

"What a great idea!" I moved towards the little girl, taking a doe in my hand rolling them to make some cake does. We did that for a while until we got bored and decided to watch a movie next. She has her own DVD counter with so many cartoon movies to choose from.

"I'm jealous." I commented as I laid my eyes on the DVD's, she giggled selecting Little Mermaid.

"It's my favorite." Lucy said moving from side to side, biting her nails

"Oooohhh It's my favorite too!" couldn't imagine how we're so similar, maybe Mom didn't tell me that a 6-year-old girl is secretly controlling me. I played the movie on the TV and lounge next to Lucy on the couch.

We sang along to the songs, we weren't just watching the movie but we are mostly dubbing what they were saying throughout the movie. I miss being a kid, not worrying about anything but just which cartoon should be watched next. The movie ended with a sleeping Lucy. I carried her to her room and tucked her to bed.

"Goodnight Princess." I pecked her forehead goodnight and slowly closed the door leaving her mermaid night lamp on. I'm supposed to went downstairs when something catches my eyes, a door painted in blue with a Do not enter sign posted on it.

Might be Chace's room

I stand by the doorway thinking if I should go in or not, but then remembered that I still have to get him back for the red paint. Twisting the knob, I pushed the door opened. It was mostly like any other boy's room, posters of cars and bands were pinned on one side of the wall, clothes scattered all over the room, the bed was not even fixed, in short, the whole room looks like a hurricane swing by it.

"Geez! Boys will be boys." I muttered to myself looking around and saw the bathroom door opened at first I just went to close it but when his shampoo caught my eye, then a light bulb turns on. I rushed out of his room and to my house, looking for my temporary hair color which I bought way back when I dyed my ends blond, finding a pink one.

"Perfect!" I ran back to The Waynes house and straight to Chace's bathroom. I pour into his shampoo bottle the pink temporary dye and made sure to shake it well.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow with pink hair

I heard the front door opened, I quickly shove the dye to the back of my jean pocket and went out Chace room to the stairs. I found Mr. And Mrs. Wayne, in the living room.

"There you are." Lily said as she saw me.

"I tuck Lucy to sleep." I pointed back to Lucy's room.

"Thank you, Cassie, before you go please take this"  Mr. Wayne hands me money.

"No! No Sir! Thank you is enough." I said shaking my hand no "I should better get going too, it's already late" Hand on the knob

"Is Chace already home?" Mr. Wayne ask

"Nope, he still hasn't come home Sir." I answered, "I'll go now."

"Bye Cassie, Thank you again." Lily waved goodbye.

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