Chapter 15: Lovely

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"My parents are having a barbecue later and you are all invited!" Pheobe handing out flyers to us their barbecue party

"Sure! I love your Dad's barbecue" Amy said licking her lips

"Gross! That sounded a bit off" Pheobe said disgusted

"As I give a thought of that, it really sounded bad" Amy making the same face now making Maggie and I laugh at them both

"I want to totally delete that from my mind" Maggie said still laughing

"Shut up!" Amy hitting Maggie on the arm with her book

"Hottie alert!" Pheobe thrust her thumb at Chace's  whose making his way to our direction

"Not again" I groan as I saw Chace

"Hi Ladies!" He rests his arms around my shoulder "Cathy" he said to me

"How many times do I have to repeat to get your hands, arms, body away from me" pushing his arms off of me

"I miss you too" he teases me "So, are you girls talking about me?" He asks

"Did your mom drop you when you were a baby? I think your head is damaged" I poke at his head

"Please Cathy! Stop flirting with me" he says winking, making my friends giggle. I gave them a sharp look for them to stop

"You wish!" Hitting him with my elbows at his side

"You are so sweet" he winches at the side where I hit him

"Yeah" sticking a tongue out at him

"Are you doing anything later after school?" Pheobe asks Chace, I am signaling her not to invite him "If you want you can come to our barbecue, not much people are invited tho" she hands him a flyer

"Are you coming, Cathy?" He asks me

"She is definitely coming" Maggie was the one who answers for me

"Okay then, count me in" he puts the flyer at the back pocket of his jeans "see you all later!" After he walked away to his friends

"Why did you invite Chace the jerk?" I simply pulled a strand of hair from Pheobe's ponytail

"I know you like it too" She winks at me

"I don't!" I roll my eyes at all of them who are smiling


I was at Pheobe's house kitchen taking out the juice. When someone poked my side, making me yelp almost spilling the juice.

"Cathy!" It was Chace

"The Heck is your problem?!" Turning and hitting him on his arm in my annoyance

"Ouch!" He said as my hand hit his arm "You have such heavy hands, you hit so freaking hard" he was rubbing his arms to soothe the pain

"That will remind you to never do that again" I walked away from him, intentionally bumping his shoulder

"Let me get that for you" he has his hands on the knob

"I can manage" I push his hands away and twist the knob open myself. As I step out to the backyard a pebble was laying like a king on the steps, I stepped on it making me trip but as I close my eyes just waiting for my body to hit the ground, I was pulled and hit another thing other than the ground

"You okay?" Chace has a bit of worriness in his voice. I peaked an eye open, wanting to see where I hit my body and it was Chace's firm body.

"Y-yeah" my words stutter as my heartbeat fasten it's beating on my chest

"You are such a clutz" he commented, as he let go holding my arm and in where I saw that I spilled the juice on his shirt, also got some on my shirt too.

"I'm so sorry about your shirt" I said wiping it off of him but as I press my hand to wipe, his hard abs are showing from underneath the wet shirt

Shit! How I wish he doesn't have a hot body

"Are done fantasizing about my abs?" he asked with a smirk. I didn't know that I have zoned out because of his abs, so stupid

"Funny!" I turned bitting my lips, I don't have any comeback for my mind was still overflowing thinking about his abs in the mean moment

"What happened?" Pheobe asks as she saw the juice spilled on the ground and on Chace's shirt

"Cathy happened" his niceness doesn't last that much

"It was a total accident" I sheepishly smile at Pheobe

"I'm so sorry Chace, but maybe I could get you some of my Dad's shirt" Pheobe offered

"Don't worry, I have spare practice shirts on my trunk" he said

"Okay, hurry back for they'll not hesitate to finish all the barbeque" Pheobe said, Chave nodded grinning


"You're boyfriend's a total catch" Mr. Foster said being a joker as always

"Who?" I was confused by him

"Him!" He pointed to Chace talking to Mr. Foster's mother "Better take him away from mom or she'll snatch your man away from you" I looked at Chace struggling to be polite even though he's struggling as Mrs. Foster trying to hit on him, It's so hilarious.

"He's not my boyfriend" trying to stop myself from laughing out loud from the scene

"Pheobe said-"

"She makes stuff sometimes, though I should save him from grandma Foster"

"You should" he was even the one who pushed me to Chace and Grandma Foster's direction. I approached them, I think they were talking about diapers.

"Hi Grandma" I said giving grandma foster a kiss on the cheek

"Hi Sweet pea, you've grown so fast. Remind me when I last saw you?" Squeezing my hand with sprint of affection

"It was just last week Grandma" I smiled

"Being old is really frustrating, you forget so easily" she laughs in thinking

"That'll be really, so you've met Chace?" I turned my head to Chace, whom I know from his eyes was begging for me to save him

"Yes! He's a very lovely boy isn't he?" Grandma Foster pinching Chace's cheeks

"Lovely?" I tried to hide my bursting laugh "He is lovely!"

"Gina, I remembered I need to talk to Cassie about an assignment" Chace making now his excuse

"Assignment?" I ask trying to not notice what he was doing

"Yes! The assignment" he eyed me to cooperate

"Ohhhh! That assignment" I was smally laughing from the situation

"Yes, excuse us Gina" he then drags me away from Grandma Foster, as we get far away. He let out a deep sigh of relief

"You call Grandma Foster Gina?" I refreshed his mind

"She insisted for me to do so" he simply answered

"Lovely" I tease him

"I sometimes regret having good looks and charming personality that even like Gina is still attracted to me" he cockily said

"Shut up" I threw him some of the chips I was eating "I pity old ladies for their poor eye sights"

"Poor eye sights?"

"Yes! They think you are lovely though you really aren't" I laugh, he stole a handful of chips and threw them all to me "Hey!"

"Really?" He was laughing, chips were hanging from strands on my hair and salt sprinkled like glitters

"I so hate you, Chace Wayne!" I said as I brush the chips and salt off my hair, as he laughs so hard

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