Chapter 42: Trip prt. 3/ Monday

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I woke up in bed. I don't remember going back to my room. My head hurts like hell.

"Cassie?" Saw Dawson by the bedside. I tried to sit down.

"How?" I still couldn't figure everything out.

"You passed out by the beach, glad that I thought of going swimming last night. I saw you there and brought you here instead of your room." He explains.


"What happened to you?" He was referring to the scratches and the lip cut. I lowered my head down. "It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it. But just tell me this, is it because of Chace?" I nodded. "I'll break that fuckboy's face!" He was going to leave but I stopped him.

"He didn't do this."

"But he's the reason." His fist into a ball.

"I just wanna go home." I then started crying again.

"Hush now. Okay" he hugged me, comforting my pain.


"Have a safe trip back home" Maggie hugging me as she hands me my bag.

"I'll get that." Dawson putting it inside the car.

"Don't worry, she'll pay for what she did." Amy cracking her fist.

"Please, don't do anything. I just want it all to end." I plead "promise me that you all won't do anything."

"We promise." Maggie and Pheobe answered.


"Fine! I won't do anything." She hugs me for the last time. "Just be safe."

"Take care of her." Phoebe said to Dawson, he nodded in response.

We were about to leave when Chace appeared by the car heavily panting, probably from excessive running. "Cassie, we need to talk." I couldn't even look at him.

"Just don't." Dawson blocking him.

"I need to talk to her." He pushes Dawson's hand away. "Cassie, I'm so sorry. Please, talk to me."

"Chace! Just get lost!" Amy said angrily.

"No, no, no. Cassie please." He was so stubborn "We need to talk, please. Please."

"You should have done that a long time ago when I was still interested." I bitterly said those words before entering the car. "Let's go Dawson" closing the door.

"Cathy." He seemed to freeze to where he stood.

We left him there and went back home.

"You okay?" Dawson asks in concern as I wiped the tears away.



Monday came.

"I heard she got a suspension for 1 week just for what she did to you." Pheobe informed everyone.

"She should have been expelled." Maggie having a tight grip on her spoon.

"No worries" Amy flipping her hair confidently "I took care of it"

"What did you do?" Maggie sucks in a breath.

"Ooohhhh no, I didn't do anything to her. I promised" she was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"I can sense a but" Pheobe leans in closer to hear Amy's excuse.

"Me, myself and I manage to get revenge through a friend" evilly smirking "Remember that guy who served us the juice Dawson ordered. I let him touch my boobs - no worries he didn't get the chance. To put a heavy-duty glue on her pillow." She was totally making us anxious for the next words. "In the morning when she woke up, the pillow was stuck on her hair and the only solution was to cut off the hair to separate it from the pillow." She was laughing so hard that students in the hall can hear. "Look!" She took out her phone and exhibited the photo.

"Gosh! She should just shave her hair off, same thing it's an embarrassment!" Maggie and Pheobe are laughing hysterically with Amy.

"I thought we've talked about it?" I irritatedly ask Amy.

"Don't be mad, she totally deserved it from what she did to you." Amy defending her action.

"But I don't want you to be in trouble as well. What will you say if the Principal asks you?" I run my fingers through my hair frustratingly.

"No worries Cass. My hands are clean, they won't suspect any of us. For it happened during a meeting." She explained.

"But what if?"

"Ahhhh, stop it. Don't worry. If anything else, I'll take the blame for myself." She rests her head on my shoulder "That's how much I love you, love you all."

"Group hug!" Maggie announce.

"We love you too!" We spoke in unison.

"Even if your crazy most of the time." I jokingly said.

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