Chapter 40: Trip prt. 2

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Maggie jumping up and down at the side of my bed.

"Hey! Wanna go for a morning swim?" Phoebe asks, already had her bikini under her sundress.

"Yes? Yes? Yes?" Maggie excited. I slompy sat down the bed, I didn't get enough sleep last night. "Why are your eyes puffy?"

"I couldn't sleep, probably just missing my bed." I lied.

"Okay, now go change" Pheobe pulling my arm as Maggie pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Wait, I need clothes in order to change." Stopping by the closet taking my bikini, a large shirt, and shorts. "Where is Amy?"

"Probably picking out the perfect outfit." Pheobe mocking her.

"Hey! You all talking about me?" She suddenly enters the room.

"Ahmm, maybe" Maggie smirks.

"Funny, hurry up and change, I want a tan."


I was out from the heat of the sun with my sunglasses on, laying and resting. Maggie and Pheobe were enjoying the seawater and Amy on her tanning.

"Maam, juice." One of the crew from the resort, putting 4 juice on our mini table.

"We didn't order any, you might have it mixed up." I told him.

"It was ordered for you." He pointed by the hut, Dawson was sitting there looking.

"Can you give it back to him?"

"Sorry, but It's in the policy. I can't do that." He politely disregarded my request.

"Hush now!" Amy taking one glass. "It's okay, just leave it there. Thank you!" Sipping on the juice. As the server went back to the hut.

"Why did you do that?" I ask her taking the glass.

"What? What's wrong with it? It's just juice and Dawson gave it." Taking it back again. "Pineapple, yummy!"

I look back to where Dawson was, he offered me a smile. But I just couldn't return any.

"Cassie! Cassie!" Maggie sprinting to our way. "They ask us to play beach volleyball, let's play."

"I don't know."

"Oh gosh, don't be a killjoy and just join in." She pulled me to stand. "You coming, Amy?"

"Yeah, sure." Taking her sunglasses off.

"Okay!" Maggie shouted.

"So it's girls versus the boys or you wanna mix it up?" Filbert asking before the game.

"We can surely beat you, let's fight Girls vs. Boys." Pheobe said, glaring at Filbert.

"Okay, Game on!"


"Shit!" Filbert shouting for missing yet another ball. Kicking the san in frustration.

"Told ya!" Pheobe brushing her shoulder showing off.

"We forgot to tell you, Pheobe went to National for beach volleyball." Maggie pointing on Pheobe. Boys cursing as they are losing with 6 - 3 as points.

"Last ball!" I shouted before serving the ball. And as already obvious girls won.

"Okay as for penalty, here!" Phoebe tossing Filbert the ball.

"What am I going to do with this?" As he catches the ball.

"Go run, only wearing that ball." Phoebe smirks, as for us girls giggling from the thought.

"Fine!" He started stripping at that moment, abs well-formed. As he was taking his shorts off, we all turned automatically. "Here it is!" He shouted to Pheobe before running, butt showing.

"NICE BOTTOM!" as Pheobe called out to him. We just all laughed at the embarrassing scene.

"So mean. I like it!" Amy's high-fiving Pheobe.

"Come on! Let's swim!" Maggie dragging me in.

"Take that thing off first would you Cassie." Amy pertaining to my shirt and shorts.

"Okay, wait!" I took the white shirt off showing a navy blue halter bikini and shorts for the matching bottom.

"Hot Daaaammnnn!" Pheobe commented.

"Shut up!" I took on the water and dive in.

"Hey, Cass!" Amy went on to whisper something. "I think someone else also likes your bikini" she pointed to Chace direction with her lips. He was looking our way as he sits on his surfboard.


We were back in the shade. I was putting sunblock on my back when Dawson approached.

"Can I give you a hand?" He offered. I couldn't reach my back, so I accepted. "About last night."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said plainly.


"I need water." I stood up even though the application wasn't done yet. I headed inside.

"What does he think he is?" I muttered to myself reacting for the unspread lotion on my back. "This is frustrating." Struggling to reach. Someone grabs my arm.

"I'll do it" I was certain it was Chace's voice. I took my hair to the side and he smoothens the lotion. His touch gives me shivers, I missed how he carefully touched my skin. "There."

"Ahm thanks" as I turned to look at him. His features were still the same, the hair, eyes, nose and those lips. "Cha-" before I could finish he cut me off.

"I should go." He then walked away, like as he now does.

"Cassie!" Dawson called out. I was ready to leave. "Wait"

"I don't wanna hear anything else more."

"If me liking you is going to mess up our friendship then just forget that I said anything, let's just please go back to how we were." He was being sincere, I could hear it in his voice. "Please."

"Okay" I let out a sigh

"Thank you! I promise to never ever bring it up again." He crosses his heart. "So friends?"


"As for it to getting back to our friendship, how about you treat me some ice cream for friend-zoning me."


"Just kidding, but I was serious with the Ice cream." We both laugh it out.

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