Chapter 31: Day After

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Argh, my head hurts.

Touching the temples of my face. "It hurts" I groan as my head hurts.

"Ssssshhhhh" someone next to me said

"Shut u-" I was stun as I turn to see Chace instead of Amy's horrid morning face.


I looked under the covers and sighed in relief when I saw that I was still wearing my dress from last night though Chace was shirtless and I couldn't remember much of what happened later that evening.

Chace pulled me closer to him, my hands touching his bare chest "I love you, Cassie" he whispers in his sleep. It made my heart flutter so much that it was going crazy in my chest. I don't know why it does that when I always hear those words from him, well maybe because his still asleep that it warms my heart to think that even in his dreams he loves me still. I buried my face to his chest feeling loved and happy. Then I remember a moment.

"Was it really him last night?" As I try to recall Mr. Wayne at the club. "But that's absurd"

"Sssshhhhhh" Chace hugging me tighter as I cover my mouth to not wake him up more.

But who was that woman that's with her? Was he actually cheating?

The feeling of happiness suddenly turns to sadness and guilt.

Should I tell Chace about it?

I looked at his face still in his sleep. Staring on how he'll might react if I tell him that he's father might be cheating on his mom.

"Aren't you a bit concern that I might melt from your stare?" Chace said in his husky morning voice that I always find sexy. Slowly opening his eyes. "Why don't you take a picture, It'll last longer you know"

"Just so you know, I already have a lot. So no thanks!" I pinching his nose.

"You really are such a creeper sometimes"

"Though you love me anyway" I smirk  as I spoke in deep confidence

"I can't disagree with that" he tried to kiss me on the lips but I covered his lips pushing it away.

"Morning breath! Morning breath!" I told him pursing my lips.

"Not like we haven't done that before" he complains

"But now it rinks with alcohol" I pointed out

"Okay" he said with a tone of disappointment "but" he breath on me with his stinky breath and went running to the bathroom laughing.

"CHACE!" I ran off the bed after him but I fail as he already closed the door. "You're disgusting!" Kicking the door.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" he yelled out from the bathroom.

Chace was taking so long in the bathroom that I just head out the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Hi!" Kissing me on the check that startled me a little. "Whatcha cooking?" He looked at the bacon I was frying. "Bacon"

"Go prepare plates" I said in a command

"Okie-Dokie" he seems so happy this morning.

"Why?" I ask in such curiousness


"Why are you so happy?" My brows meeting as I tilt my head a bit.

"Because I'm with you! Silly!" He ruffles my hair, taking the pan on my hand and placing the bacon onto the plates.

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