Chapter 6: Pink Highlights

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Leaning on my locker with earphones on, I hum to What A Girl Wants by Christina Aguilera. Smiling picturing how Chace would look like with his hair colored Pink.

"-t's -p -ith -u?" Pheobe asks her brows meet.

"What? I didn't understand much." I loudly said over the music which I'm the only one who can hear. Pheobe pulling one earphone out.

"I said what's up with you? You seem to be all happy this morning." she cleared.

"Oooh that, I'm always happy." I say smiling opening my locker, looking at the mini mirror and smoothening my hair.

"Does your happiness concern a hot guy named Chace Wayne?" She smirks.

"Hot?! Yuck. But he is concern." I winked at her "Speaking of the devil." closing my locker. Chace entered the hallway, my eyes didn't leave his hair. Looking so disappointed that the temporary dye didn't do much on his hair, though the dye colored some of his hair strands looking like he has pink highlights.

"Somethings up with Chace's hair." Pheobe hasn't realized it yet.

"I should have used a stronger dye." I hissed.

"You sabotage Chace's hair?!" She looked at me wide then to Chace's hair.

"I mixed his shampoo with my temporary pink hair dye last night." I inform her "I was expecting that It'll color all his hair." I tsked. Girls began to squeal as he walks by, all giggly looking at Chace.

"Well sorry to break this to you Cass, but I think you made Chace more appealing with those pink highlights you gave him." she pointed to those squealing girls.

"Shit! I hate him so much." I glared at him as he makes his way to us. He stops in front of Pheobe and me.

"Pheobe." he acknowledges Pheobe beside me, the girl seems to about to faint as he spoke her name.

"Hi, Chace!" Tucking a hair behind her ear, I roll my eyes from the scene.

"Why are you here Jerk?" I meanly ask in annoyance.

"Is that how you normally greet people Cathy?" He smirks.

"It's Cassie!" I stomp my foot in irritation.

"Don't worry I know, I just like calling you that because it irritates you." he leans his palm to the locker beside me resting his weight, with a smirk "I should say thank you for my highlights. I wanted to kill you when I saw the pink in my hair but they seem to love it, so Thank you!"

"How did you-"

"Mom told me yesterday that she's going to ask you to babysit Lucy and you're the only one who hates me so much to ruin my hair." he flips his imaginary long hair "but they like it so why not."

"It does look good on you." Pheobe touching Chace's hair.

"Pheobe!" I slap her hand off, she pouted.

"It doesn't look good on you! PERIOD!" I yelled at him taking Pheobe's hand and dragging her away from Chace.

I so freaking hate his guts!


Looking at Chace being admired more by girls irritates me so much. That pink dye supposed to make him look undesirable but totally did the opposite.

"Stop murdering the salad!" Maggie said concerned. I gazed down to my lunch, pushing it aside.

"Is it because of Chace's hair again?" Amy raising a brow.

"That was totally a wrong move." I purse my lips together "I should have thought about another comeback." feeling so determine.

"Stop with the foolish pranks." Maggie now says.

"He started it in the first place, I'm just finishing it." I pointed my thumb on the Jerk with another new girl sitting on his lap.

"And you did." she then pointed out to the hair.

"But it's supposed to make him not look like that." Crossing my arm.

"Ahhh, fine suit yourself." she said giving up.

"He will not see my next move coming and I'll make sure to do it right this time." I smirked rubbing my hands together like an evil villain in movies

"Whatever!" Pheobe retorted, I stick my tongue at her in response.


"We are totally going to get caught here." Amy tugging my blouse down.

"Shut up! Remember you promised to help me." I pointed at her.

"But if we get caught, I'm putting all the blame on you." she said being my lookout.

(Wondering what are we doing? ☺)

We are at the boys' locker room, sneaking to rub these hot chilies on Chace's clothes for he thinks he's so hot, this is my great comeback.

"Hush Amy! Guard the door." I whispered in a very low voice. She nervously stands on the door to warn me if someone is coming. I tried to find Chace's name but in my surprise, they only have initials carved on the lockers.


I scan for Chace's initials which is C.W but in my frustration, there was two C.W.

"Amy!" I called out "Which one's him? The C.W 1 or the C.W 2?"

"How would I know?" She shrugs.

"You dated him apparently."

"Yeah for 2 weeks!" She pointed out, I groaned in annoyance. "Cassie, I think someone's coming!" Jumping up and down on nervousness.

"I haven't done it yet." I said now panicking suddenly "I don't know which one is his."

"Faster! The footsteps are getting nearer." now she's panicking, we're both panicking.

"Screw this!" I chose C.W 1, he always wants to be number 1 on everything so it's probably the initials with 1 "Done! Come on!" We darted out the boys' locker room, We came out panting.

"That was so close!" Amy catching her breath.

"Yeah, so close" I did as well.

"So did you done it?" She asks curiously.

"Mission accomplished!" Giving her a triumphant smile.

I hope so.

Minutes later after we sneaked from the boys' locker room, we heard screams from the inside. Amy and I looked at each other. Boys were carrying Cavin to the nurse's office, his body was all red probably from the chilies.

"What?!" I facepalm myself "C.W 1 is Cavin Wallace, shit!"

"Now we know you spiced up the wrong C.W" Amy commented laughing, I tsked. I saw Chace smirking shaking his head as he looked at me, he probably figured it out that it was my doing, he is wearing his blue shorts and a black shirt that I recognized was at C.W 2's locker. I stick my tongue out at him.

"I hate to say this but Chace-4, Cassie-1" Amy has her finger on count.

"I hate you!" I roll my eyes at her.

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